The present

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Just a question before we start..

Just a question before we start

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Nezuko pov

Me and kanao talked about our lives.

"I think i know why you passed out"

"Huh why?"

"You were overworking, whilst taking care of your siblings, and making time for your own academics."

"Oh thats right, WAIT what time is it?"


"Oh no! I haven't picked my siblings up from school!"

"dont you worry i'll take you there on my car."

"Thank you kanao."

I saw kanao as she blushed but i shrugged it off thinking maybe its just because its cold in here

"Y-Your welcome Nezuko"

I got into the passengers seat on kanaos car and we drove to mcdonalds on the way to the school.

"Hey guys im so sorry im late!" I ran to my siblings and hugged them

"Its okay big sis" takeo said

"Just dont be late next time!" Hanako said

"Same with Hanako!" Shigeru said

"Big sis!!!" Rokuta came to me and hugged me

"Aww rokuta, anyways we got you mcdonalds!"

"We? Are you with big bro?" Takeo questioned

"Oh right um this is my friend kanao she took care of me because i passed out anyways lets go now."

As we walked to the car i saw kanao conversating with my siblings

'Awh how cute!'

We drove away from the school

Takeo pov

"This kanao girl will most definetly be big sis nezukos girlfriend" i whispered to hanako

"I know right like i can already see the love in the air between them"

"What are you guys talking about?" Nezuko questioned with a smirk on her face


"Big sis! You scared us!"


"Ehe- sorry guys!"


Nezuko POV

We drove home and once we were there and thanked kanao for the ride

"Hm, so this is goodbye huh?"

"What do you mean? This is see you later! Also can i have your number?"

"Y-yeah here, 09***********"

"Thanks! Heres mine: 09***********"

We waved to eachother and i went inside the bakery/house

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