Chapter Two

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(A/N: everyone knows that Lucifer is the actual devil by the way. And sorry if the personalities are slightly different, Im not very good at writing dialogue so bear with me here. I really like where this story is going so far and I hope you like it - Vi❤)

"thank you for coming Ella," Lucifer said when he met up with Ella at the mall. He had not idea why he called Ella and not Chloe, Chloe was a mom and Ella, she was the youngest of five kids and didn't have any kids, maybe it was because Ella is like his sister and he trust her with everything and Chloe actually sometimes scares him. "it's no problem Luci... And you must be Lourdes, I'm your Auntie Ella," Ella said taking the baby carrier from Lucifers hand. "So we should get diapers first, then a crib, uh, some toys and cloths," Ella listed, "oh and baby formula," she added.

Ella was totally amazed with her new niece, she looked to have been born prematurely since she was quite small and it looked like one of her eyes were under-developed. But Ella wasn't going to say anything in case Lucifer already knew that. It was a small concern though.

Lucifer had no idea what he was going to do with Lourdes when he had to go into work on Monday, thankfully he had the weekend off so he had time to work it out. But he had already lost six weeks with his daughter and he didn't want to waste anymore time not being with the sweet Angel. He was thankful that he didn't miss her first words or her first steps, and that he was going to be there for everything.... Even if it scared the he'll put of him.

"So how did you come up with her name?" Ella asked when they were looking at baby cloths, Lucifer looked up from the dress he was holding, "when I was in hell, I heard through some sources that Madonna named her daughter Lourdes and dad wasn't to happy about it, I fell in love with the name instantly. so when I saw Miss Perfect, I knew I wanted to name her Lourdes, it it suits her perfectly I think. And her middle name, Matilda, means Mighty in Battle," Lucifer explained. "That's really sweet Boo," Ella smiled.


Once the shopping was done, Ella helped Lucifer tale the stuff back to the penthouse and they started the task of trying to figure out where Lourdes' nursery was going to go. "You have two offices so maybe we could turn the downstairs office into the nursery and you could keep the upstairs office," Ella suggested, "good Idea, what do you think Lourdes?" Lucifer said, Lourdes made an adorable cooing sound which let her father and auntie know that she approved.

"We can start on this tomorrow, I'll probably have Amenadiel, Dan, Maze, you and maybe Linda come and help... She'll be sleeping in the bassinet in my room for awhile anyway," Lucifer said as he started ti read the instructions on how to put the bassinet together. "Ok, well you know to call if you need any help, see you later buddy," Ella said giving him one of her trade mark hugs (which Lucifer thinks she should have copyrighted). "Goodbye Ella," she said as she got on the elevator

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