Diagon Alley

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Your Pov

I was getting ready in my room because me and mom are going to diagon alley.I wemt downstairs and waited for my mom at the fireplace."Ready to go dear?"Mom asked "Yes Mom" i said "ok then grab a Handful of Floo powder and throw it at the fire and shout Diagon Alley!"Mom said.This was my first time travelling by Floo i was a bit scared and nervous.I did what mom told me to.

Time skipped

I was now at Ollivanders to get my wand.I entered the shop but there was no one "Umm Hello!?"I said a man slide of his ladder "Oh Hi there Ms. Riddle i was hoping when will you ever come to my shop"Mr. Ollivanders said.I nodded "umm im here to buy my wand" i said "ok i had the perfect Wand for you"Ollivanders said he went to get a box from the rop of the shelf and came back. "This is a 13/1 Hawthorn wood with a hair of a Unicorn it was so pretty I said thankyou and paid and left the shop. My mom was waiting for me outside i went up to her"Mom im Done"I said "Ok now what pet do you want Dear"Mom asked."Hmmmm... I dont Know"I said Mom told me to follow her. I followed mom to a pet store there was a lot of animals.. But there was one Animal that caught my eye it was an Owl it had White and black feathers and as soon i saw it i knew it was the perfect pet. I imediately bought her and we went home.As soon as were home i let her out of the cage."Your so cute"I told the owl"Hmm im gonna name you O/N" the owl Was chirping happily i think it liked the name....

Hi im sorry im a bad writer😕
By the way 328 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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