Smut lol

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     My hand slithers into my boxers. breathy moans leave my mouth as if I'm pleading to be freed from captivity. my thumb circles my clit slowly, almost in a teasing manner as if trying to imitate how it felt when he touched me. "...otto~" I moaned quietly, my voice intertwined in a lustful song. my mind was rushing with thoughts, despite him being just a couple of rooms down from me.

     My thumb moved faster as my index and middle finger slowly made their way down to my slick entrance. I only teased the entrance, not daring to reach into the cavern of which he has explored more times than I can count on two hands. moans fell from my lips, my mouth hanging open as if waiting for him to shut it with his own. god how desperate i must seem. desperate for him. God, I wanted him so bad. Why must he be so busy. constantly busy working and giving those stupid mechanical projects all of his undivided attention. a fit of unrelenting fiery jealousy shot through my body, ending at the core of my body. as the thoughts of it being me on his desk instead of the notes of complicated mathematical expressions he worked on rushed through my mind, my index finger slipped its way inside me like a snake. a throaty moan left my mouth almost instantly.

     It had been so long since I had last touched myself, I had no reason to. not when I had the Otto Octavius there to help service me when I was in need. though, it's still been a while since the last time he and I had had affairs with one another. I missed the feeling of him thrusting his much thicker fingers into me. I missed the feeling of his arms wrapped around me as he guided me to a final release. I missed feeling my way up his chest and to his neck before leaving numerous kisses and bites. I missed everything about him. Of course we still talked, hell we still do the silly couple things that you would see on television like dancing together in the kitchen to songs radiating from the radio or walking around a public park, holding hands as we talk about nothingness.

     My mind was clouded with fog as memories of us from the past flooded my mind. both sensual and domestic thoughts. my body felt like it was on fire, the sweet thoughts leaving my mind as I sped my finger up. "f-faster otto p-please!~" I pleaded out to an empty room. I wanted to scream his name so loudly he put down his pencil and his tools before running to our shared bedroom, only to find me with my fingers plunged deep inside myself. a man could only dream though.

     My middle finger slipped inside of me, adding to the increasing pleasure filling my body. 'i want him.', 'i want him so bad.', 'I need him more than ever before.' I thought to myself, the urge to release pent up energy growing stronger with each passing minute. my back was arching up as if trying to fly away from the bed itself as my fingers moved to hit the places otto hit inside me with ease. 'he was amazing, he knows me and my body perfectly'.

     Sweat grew on me as I vigorously attempted to bring myself to an end. "Otto..please...please let me cum..~''I begged out, my voice quivering and shaking with unrelenting need. If it had been any other situation, my voice would have sounded downright pitiful; however, I've learned that's exactly what i likes. he loves feeling the power high from controlling someone's every waking thought. 'I must have him'.

     It would be fairly easy to simply go to him and ask for him to help relieve some of the pent up stress and lust, but I didn't want to bother him with my issue. He's so busy, and he's working so hard. god i want to watch him as he focuses on those mathematical expressions. Maybe it would be easier for me to visualize him glaring at me in such a way. his eyebrows furrowed together as he makes quick work of his clothing before freeing himself from his restraints and thrusting himself into me with no care. with the thought of him penetrating me, I shoved my fingers into me, in sync as much as possible.

     As close as I was, as much as I visualized, it couldn't beat or even slightly compare to the real thing. I couldn't finish without him. How pathetic. I shivered at the idea of him spitting out cruel words about how miserable it must be to be that dependent on him as he fucks my body into the mattress with no abandon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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