"Shut up"

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Maybe she gave too much of everything that her friends are leaving her. Maybe she gave too much love. Maybe they got annoyed of her unconditional love and care.

  Atleast that's what she thought. That's what her brain was thinking about. You cant blame her tho..she has no other choice.

She blamed her self for everything. She notices the slightest change in someone's behavior and he couldn't help it but think that's it's her fault.

   "I don't know" she said laying on her bed one night. "I really don't know what I did wrong but I definitely dod something wrong. Why was he that rude to me today?"

   She was talking about her closest classmate thag ignored her today. Maybe he didn't see her? No she was sure that she saw her cuz they bumped to each other. She said sorry but he doesn't seem to care.

    "Am confused..I think am the problem"  she wiped her tears again and again as they kept falling.

   So the thing with dory was that she was sensitive. Really sensitive but no one knew. No one except herself.

    Many stresses were loading up on her. School ,friends, family, her brain. Everything was against her. But she was a bright girl.

She was a girl that tried to make everyone and everything smile. The room lit up when she walked in. She was the sweetest girl to anyone who asked. But no one knew what was going on inside their head. No one...untill that day

    It was a normal day for her, she woke up at 6 and was at her pc watching YouTube videos untill it was time to go to class.

   She got ready and went to class.
Her friends were there goofing around and their face brightened when she arrived

"Wassao everybodyyy" she said hi to everyone and sat down and joined the gang

  But she was bothered. Her head couldn't shut up seeing her bestfriend sitting alone.

'I will be right back okay? She told her friends and went to him

  "Heyyy" she crooked her face to look down at his face

  He glanced at and looked down again...ignoring her.

  Her face dropped but she didn't give up

"You alright buddy? She asked with a smile again

"Yes am alright" he took his phone out and started chatting with friends.

  She frowned and leaned back on her chair taking her phone out too.

    And that's when she got a text message

'I need to take a break from you' that was one of her online friends that she got attached too.

   She texted him back saying that she was sorry what ever she did but he didn't reply. She frowned deeper her eyes almost tearing up.

'I know I feel childish and free when am wit you but I am really worry, you are a great person but I am a grown up now, I need to focus on stuff, thank u for your awesome friendship dory. But I think this is is for our friendship" this was another text from another friend of hers

She was tearing up at that moment.
She looked up at her friend who was sitting next to her and the dude who told her that he cares about her didn't seem to care. He didn't seem bothered. He acted like she doesn't exist...and that..that broke her heart in to pieces.

    "I will be back" she stood up and went out of class...she ran out of the class and in to the bathroom.

   It was happening, she was panicking, she was breathing heavily as her tears started to flow like a river. She was shaking she was overwhelmed.

  For someone who is not her it might seem like she is over reacting. But in reality. She loved her friends really too much for her to handle. She got overwhelmed easily and the tiniest things affected her. She was not normal and she knew it...she was weak. Her love and care made her weak.

  She sat there for like half an hour. Sobbing washing and re washing her face again and again.

  When it was time fr the best class she washed her face for the last time and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red, and baggie. Her nose was stuffed...but she was going to be late for the next class if she waited for her face fo be back to normal.

   "I need a hug" she whispered to herself
"Am weak I need someone"

But she stopped when she started tearing up again.

"Nah nah dory...be strong now okay..you are going to class"she patted her head and smiled at her self in the mirror.

   With her earpods on a full blast music and a wise answer for whoever's asked her what's wrong in her eyes, she went to class and sat at the front.

   After half an hour she was not feeling okay at all, all those text messages and her bestfriends face were flashing infront of her eyes. She couldn't shut her brain down...she couldn't. If was too much for her to handle

   She took a deep breath trying to calm her down. She looked around and everyone seemed focused on the teacher that was probably talking about  contracts and stuff

No one knew the chaos and screams thag was happening inside her head.

    She grabbed her bag tight with one hand and formed a fist with the other. The first was so tight that it left marked on her palm...bloodiesh red mark on a scar. She definitely did this before when she was stressed or anxious.

"Shut up" she whispered to herself.more like to her brain "shush"

She leaned to the front...and grabbed her head with her hands.

"Shush dory shut uo" this time her whisper was a little louder.

But her brain was louder than ever...

"SHUT UP" She now yelled banging her head with he table.

Everyone was shocked including the teacher. "Dory are you okay, you can leave the class if you don't wanna learn but you cant just tell me to shut up okay...you can go out when-" she looked up at him getting back to her senses.

   "Oh no no no I was not talking to you mister..I am really sorry..idk what happend m" she panicked waving her hands.

   The teacher didn't think much of it, he just nodded and continued the class like everything  was normal

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