Rage and fire

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Katherina resident

"Anie my daughter have been sleeping for the past three days, am so worried" the woman with white dress and yellow scarf said

"She will be fine, we should be more worried about the tattoo in her arms" Paul said

"Why?" The woman with yellow scarf asked
Paul and Annie both look at each other before saying
."it's a mark by Prince Bryan to easily identity her"

"Why!! How" the yellow scarf woman asked who you know as Katherine's mother almost in tears

"We don't know until we hear from her, probably when she's awake" Annie replied

"Why must this happen after we have been trying to escape from the Royal family, first it was my husband and now my daughter, we have been on a run all our lives" Katherine's mother said

"She ah ah she awake" Annie whispered then added "you have to leave now before she sees you"

" I have been hiding from my daughter all my life just to protect her" Katherine's mother who's, her eyes teary as Annie gently pushed her out of the house

"We will keep her safe, you know they are after us, just Incase we are catch, she wouldn't be suspected as our child, your daughter
" Annie said giving her a weak smile

" I will be waiting for the day she will call me mother" Katherina's mom said then left as silently as she came

In the palace

In the prince room

"Bryan we're the fuck where you, see the havoc you have caused" Brandon mutterd taking a sit closer to Bryan but stiffen when he noticed that his eyes are closed
Slowly and gently he stands up giving as much space between him and the prince

"My darling Bryan you are back" the queen said rushing into his room but stop suddenly taking slow steps back but before they could reach the door, someone shouted

"Bryan goodness you destroy the whole world, thanks goodness you are alive, and I thought you have gotten over your mom's death anniversary" Brace barks in looking happy and relieved to see him

That's was a mistake

Because at the mention of the Prince mother,his eyes snap forcefully open causing everything in the room to break, glass splintered and the force threw everyone in the room to different direction

His black eyes quickly change to blue and he rushed to help the queen up

"Mother am sorry" he said as he Carrie's her up and place her on the bed

Brandon and Brace groan in pains as they limb to the prince

"Am sorry we wouldn't have come in if we knew that you were meditating" Brandon pleaded

" Oh men am in pains, for a slight second I saw heaven and angels, thanks for not killing us" Brace said groaning in pains

That's him for you, he's one crazy idiot who doesn't take things serious

" Call the doctor to treat mother" Bryan said

Somewhere else

"Damn it!!" Andrew yelled angrily hitting his hands on the table
"He should have died, that Bryan should have died like his wretched mother"

"Andrew relax what we should be thinking about is the gold hair girl who save him, how did she do that, cause am sure he was going to die once and for all" Jericho, Andrew's friend said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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