Part 10

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All three of you were swimming back over to the rest now, you were ok now, actually you felt great, in that moment you saw all the people around you who cared for you so much and you never felt so content
"Why are you smiling so much, you almost died?"
Javon asked you had the habit of smiling like a crazy person when you were day dreaming
"I don't know, I'm just in a good mood" you replied cause the real answer was just corny and weird
"Are you plotting something, you are acting very sneaky right now" he said
"Nope I swear I'm not i just can't wait to go on the rope swing" you said as you arrived back to the other side where everyone was waiting to go on
"What happened?"Jaden asked looking at you with curiosity
"I had an athsma attack when we were racing, I'm ok now though" I replied
"We waited for you so we could film us all jumping in" my mom said pointing over at a camera that had been set up in the ground pointing towards the swing
"Thanks" we said as we climbed out to join the rest of them
"Ok...... 3...2...1... go!" My mom shouted to Jaden
We all watched as he ran up and swung on the rope he got out far enough and flipped into the water
"YES JADEN" javon shouted which made Daelo laugh before he ran up to the rope and swung into the water, it was very loud as he was screaming the whole time which made us all laugh
"Ok go on Y/n" javon said
I ran up to the rope and jumped on as it swung out above the lake I decided to do the same flip as Jaden so I let go letting myself rotate backwards into the water until I was completely underwater,
As I resurfaced I could hear my dad shouting and smiling at me making me uncontrollably smile, I was having so much fun.
"COME ON JAV" I shouted half laughing as he ran up and swung into the lake landing near me
Then my dad went surprising us all with a flip as we cheered Jayla and my mom on as they both tried going together which ended up with Jayla belly flopping into the lake when she came to the surface she started laughing really hard daelo was scared though and swam over to her to make sure she was ok whilst the rest of us laughed with her.

{skip 2 hours later}

We were all out and dry now we decided to go to the local shop to get lunch so everyone but my parents decided to take our bikes down through the trail.
Javon and Daelo were ahead racing whilst me jayla and jaden were going at a normal pace and talking.
"What was it like in the uk?" Jaden asked
"How do you know I'm from the uk" I asked paranoid
"You have a British accent" jayla replied laughing
"Really?... I didn't think it was noticeable" I said
"It actually isn't but it's easy to know when someone's from there" Jaden said
"Well I only moved like 2 years ago for my moms job and it is quite different" I said
"How?" Jaden replied
"No offence to your almighty USA but the food quality is not great, depends what you get but you need to try the food back in the uk"
"I've never really lived anywhere else so I can't tell how the quality of food is but I would love to try food from other places, especially uk" jayla said
" well apart from food the school system is so different cause you have all This kindergarten and preschool, middle school, high school then college whilst for us is primary school, secondary school then college or university and we use years instead of grades" I said a bit out of breath from listing everything
"But like what is the difference between secondary and high school?" Jaden asked
"In the uk you start secondary when your in year 7 so you would be around 11/12 years old whilst in America you go into high school as a fresh man when your like 14/15" I said
"How do you go secondary so young, I don't get it?" Jayla asked
"Me neither I think it's better over here cause then you have people doing important exams away from the little kids who don't really have important exams so there's no distractions, I prefer it here"
"Don't you ever miss it?" Jaden asked curious
"Not in the slightest, I hated it there coming here was like a fresh start where I could just start new"
"I get it, moving gives you so many opportunities like this" Jaden said
Just as we were finishing our conversation we arrived at the shop where Javon and Daelo were already waiting with there bikes out and tied up
"Hi!" I shouted and waved to javon, from the corner of my eye I saw Jaden and jayla share a glance which was a little funny cause I knew what they were thinking but I wish they'd say something.
"Hi y/n" javon said smiling as we were putting our bikes away
We walked in the shop and grabbed a cart
"Dibsy pushing the cart" I said quickly before anyone else could
Whilst we were in there javon had the genius idea to stand on the end of the cart and have me run down and empty isle, I gladly agreed.
So I stared sprinting down the isle and I jumped up on my side until we were literally laughing out loud and at the end, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe because of Javon's terrified face going down
"Why you laughing so hard" javon asked whilst laughing himself
I couldn't say anything as I kept laughing, good thing I recorded it cause his face was hilarious
"Your face was so funny" I said in between breathes "good thing I recorded it" I said mischievously waiting for him reaction
"Shut up you didn't" he said shaking his head still laughing
I walked over to my phone and showed him
"Fuck you y/n" he said still laughing
"Hey at least we are even now, for when you filmed me face planting" I replied making him shit up whilst I replayed the video of his face wheezing as I tried to catch my breath from laughing at him so much
"Ok ok I get it my face looks funny" javon said sulking from embarrassment
"Awwww I'll stop laughing, we need to find the others to get the food anyway" I said as I controlled my breathing and started walking.
Jayla and the rest came walking round the food just as we were about to scaring us a bit
"Omg I love donuts" I said seeing them in the cart along with some things for a barbecue
"Javon told me to get them for you" Jayla said making me look at javon seeing him turn red making me blush really hard
"Thank you Jav how'd you know I love donuts, that's so thoughtful" I said thanking him
"Your dad told me when we're putting up the tents" he said collecting himself as he acted tough again making me laugh a bit as we went to check out
"There is definitely something going on" I heard Jayla whisper to Jaden
"Something will 100% happen by thee end of this trip" Jaden whispered back to her, they didn't know I could hear them but what they were saying filled me with complete butterflies and nerves as I thought about javon.

Sorry it took so long I should be back writing now <3.                 {1.3k words}

All that I love ~ Javon Walton Where stories live. Discover now