Adoptive Family

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Who is in your adoptive family? Who are your siblings? Where do we live? How do you like living with two moms?

I asked Dani and Stef " how many kids have you fostered? They both said A Lot. so many different ages." My adoptive parents are so sweet. We talk about everything and anything. My adoptive parents are Dani and Stef from Station 19. Dani and Stef leave for work at 4:30 in the morning every day for work. Dani and Stef take me to the set all the time.

I wanted to see the set of station 19 where my moms works.

We have dinner together. My brothers and sisters are Aspen, and the cast of Grey's anatomy. I told my moms I want a station 19 and grey's themed party for my birthday.

We live in a house like a house in Encanto. They adopted me because I was the only one who really wanted to have parents like them. They seemed so understanding and just fun. I told my moms I want to ask Kevin McKidd if we can dance on set.

While I was sitting waiting to be adopted, I heard "don't stop believing" in the background. I could not believe that I was being adopted so this song fit right in. I liked my new home. This home was completely different than what I expected. The entrance had a pig named Oak Ook. He lived in the swamps. And then Dani rescued him. It was not just any pig, it was THE pig.

THE pig loves mud and carrots. My new parents were very kind and would give Oak Ook the best carrots that money can buy. I walked up to the house and this cute pig ran straight to me, I didn't know what to do or say. I said to oak down and "hi and here I have another carrot". Dani and Stef went to the store to buy things for me. When we arrived at the store I cried.

Dani and Stef asked, "why are you crying?" I told them "I didn't have much when living in foster homes before you guys adopted me." The foster homes were very nice. But no one wanted a kid with special needs like me. When I walked into the hallway, I saw pictures of Ford Dani's dog and Jeff Stef's dog.

Some of the doors down this hall opened to the most interesting rooms. First up, there was a gaming room that had every single console since the 1980s. In another room, I saw a very calm room. It had the most comfortable couch and the biggest bean bag. I saw Ook Ook run into the bean bag and I could not find him for 5 minutes. The bean bag was that big. The bean bag had cup holders for your drinks.

As I continued down the hall, I saw another room that really caught my attention. It surprised me that there was a puppy room as a calming room. There were more pets than Ook Ook which surprised me. The puppies that were in the room were all Goldendoodles and Bishon's. I like living with two moms. Having two moms is so cool. Because I get two of everything, even hugs.

I even have Giacomo Gianatiti as my brother. My brother Giacomo and I chat every day. We talk about grey's and other stuff. I love my adoptive family. Giacomo and I have a strong bond.   

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