Chapter 2

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 Oliver scanned the sea of people by the cinema trying to find the very anxious and probably somewhat moist man named Randy.

'Of course, of fucking course I forgot to give him a time, or even a PLACE'

Oliver huffed and leaned against the wall, He forgot to give the other man any other information beyond wanting to hang out on this sunny Saturday.  In his defense, he was so caught up with helping Randy then being excited about hanging out with him, it just slipped his mind. 
He was just hoping Randy would pop up near the cinema, It made sense that he would try here? right? 

While still lost in his thoughts Oliver felt a small tap on his arm. He jerked his head up to look at who did it.


'its Randy!! good to know I was right!'

"h-hey!" Randy greeted him. He looked a little bit cleaner than the last time Oliver saw him, a little less dirt on his face, and a lot less blood on him. He also wasn't wearing his jacket that he usually wears, probably because of the warmer weather. 

He looked nice.

"Oh! hey man! Its good to see ya! you spooked me a bit" Oliver straightened up 
"sorry, by the way, for not giving you a time...or a place, my bad" He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"I-Its alright, Its probably my fault for not asking, but I did a-assume that the cinema was a good place to check first." He gave Oliver a small smile " And I was right! I also didn't get mugged this time on my way here so that's neat"

"Yep! you were- wait. How often do you get mugged?" Oliver questioned him. 

Randy face fell to defeat "...too often..." He looked down at his feet "they can tell that I'm a beta cuck from a mile I'm a easy target..."

"Well.... I don't think you're a beta cuck Randy" Oliver patted his arm, trying to comfort him.

"You cant be a cuck if your single, but I-I think the beta part stands pretty strong"

Oliver just sighed, knowing he probably wont win this battle "I- Anyways- cucking aside...what do you want to do?.. like we can go eat or go to the par-"

"Not the park!-" Randy shot his head up to look at Oliver.



"Oh yeah, the evil chickens, makes sense, umm...hmmm.... Ah-ha!" Oliver smiled at him
"Funfair! Haven't been there in a awhile"

"I don't know....'

"c'mon man, it will be fun! we'll have a groovy time I'm sure of it!" Oliver lightly bumped his elbow into Randy's arm.

Randy gave the shorter man a distrusting look then sighed in defeat, "A-alright...I guess..."

"YES! LETS GO!!" Oliver grabbed Randy's arm and headed for the subway.

Oliver and Randy stepped onto the subways car, being careful not to touch anything,
because Christ, the amount of diseases you could get from touching a suspiciously sticky seat, you wouldn't believe that it was possible.
 Oliver looked over at he taller man, he realized he never got a good look of Randy's features until now, even if it was in the dimly lit subway. 

Randy had outgrown dark brown hair, it was greasy, but maybe with a good wash it would be fluffier there was also a bandage peeking through his fringe. It had some sort messing writing or drawing on it, but Oliver couldn't quite make out what it was . His face was sharp and narrow, even a little gaunt. He also had beauty marks scattered across his face. Even though they were in the cold concrete jungle, Oliver could still tell that Randy had big warm brown eyes... 

that were looking back at him.



Oliver quickly change his gaze elsewhere, face red from embarrassment.

"do I have something on my face..?" Randy asks quietly

"NO- no sorry, I was, uhhhh....spacing out" Oliver's eyes darted around trying to find something to change the subject "how's your hand? doin any better?" he looked down at Randy's bandaged hand.

"oh, I still c-cant touch most stuff with it but its not horrible" Randy smiled a bit," A-and its not infected! my knowledge.." Randy muttered, now picking at his bandages.

"Well that's good! And hey-" Oliver gently grabbed Randy's hand "If you mess with it, its not gonna heal properly and you gonna have a big ol' scar." He lightly scolded the man.

"I-I mean, will it at least be a cool scar?" Randy looked at him with interest.

"Im not answering that-"



"finee..." Randy huffed quietly, crossing his arms.

"Oh don't sulk ya nerd, I don't want to encourage a bad habit" Oliver poked his arm.

Randy jumped "I-I'm not sulking, I'm just joking" he smiled. "Oh! um, looks like our stop is here,   c-c'mon! lets go!!" Randy tried to best to sound excited about it, despite his best efforts there was still uncertainty in his voice.  

"Alright! lets!" Oliver looped his arm through Randy's. 

And they were off.

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