1- The nail

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Credits to the amazing person who done the animation. I took screenshots of the scenes that they created.
The little girl saw a white rabbit with red eyes that can stare into your sole saw her murdering the little girl's friends. "No more games.." The voice said searching for the little girl.
The girl saw a vent she climbed in quickly however she didn't  saw the nail in the vent. She quickly crawled on knowing the pain was getting worse. The girl opened the vent and saw Glamrock Bonnie.
"A girl at this time of hour?" Glamrock Bonnie thought to himself.
"Hey little girl your safe with me. I will try and get you to the exit as quick as possible as I can." The large blue Bonnie said.
The girl crawled out and looked at the large Bonnie.
"Your hurt." He said.  "What is your name?"
"I am S-Sophie." The girl said.
"Sophie. I will get you to the first aid area first. The wound will get worse if we don't go there." Bonnie said.
Sophie crawled into Bonnies stomach hatch and stayed there until they got to first aid.
"Are you having fun yet?" The dancing rabbit lady said.
Sophie hold her breath..
Sophie got out and went to get a bandage on her hand.
The rabbit pressed the Freddy button and three animatronics targeted Bonnie.
Roxanne wolf went for the head ripping it off head. Chica ripped his legs of and Monty started to pull one of his arms of.
Sophie hold her breath once again.
"Are you having fun yet?" The rabbit lady repeated. She grabbed Sophie's wrist taking her into a room.
Of came the rabbit mask.

Of came the rabbit mask

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"No.. NO!" Sophie shouted trying to be heard. The knife was picked up..
"See you soon~" The last voice that Sophie heard that night..

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