Survival of the Fittest (aka Bike-riding up a hill)

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This is obviously Meg. So, today I was over Emma's house to edit some chapters on this book and type out our recordings. Then, we went bike-riding to a corner store. On our way back, there was this hill.

So her dad said something like, "Don't die going up the hill."

Rose was way behind, because a car was coming and we crossed the street before her.

I pedaled up the hill and yelled, "Survival of the fittest!"

When I made it to the top I shouted, "I have won the 74th Hunger Games!"

Then Emma said, "Rose would die in the Hunger Games, she's so small."

And that's how we got the idea for the short story that is coming up soon, in possibly the next chapter, Survival of the Thickest©.

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