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I slowly opened my eyes and, unlike what I had expected, which was a bad dream, my face went completely pink. Some beautiful girl was on top of me. It took me at least five seconds to realise that it was none other that Kamisato Ayaka in the flesh. To top it all off, my face was completely red now. At this the blue-haired girl stared giggling as I stared at her in confusion.

"Hello player!" She said as her face was glowing in the moonlight. I stare at her for a moment before finally speaking "how did you get here..?"
"Well it's quite complicated really.." she replies before trying to explain it in a way I could possibly understand. I stared at her, speechless, having no idea how to reply. "S-so.. why?" Ayaka gives me a confused look, "why did you come here? Why didn't you stay in your world?"
"Well, the truth is." She pauses for a moment. "Oh archons how am I going to say this? Well um-" She pauses again before finally explains herself. "The truth is, I'm OBSESSED with you, my love for you corrupts me more than despair itself.." her face turns dark and sinister along with a slight bit of lust as he stared deep into my soul. "Traveler.. do you love me too?"

Words: 229

~Wealth and beauty~Kamisato Ayaka X Reader +oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now