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Uenoyama's POV

My vision blurred and focused on the ceiling. I almost fell into another phase of sleep, but, well, I obviously didn't. I squinted into the darkness and peered across the room at Mafuyu. He was crying again. Sobbing, really. The was sitting on top of his bed, his head buried in a pillow, sobbing and sniffling uncontrollably. I kept my breathing even, but as soon as I thought of my breathing, it was really hard to control. If he knew I was awake, he'd make up some lame excuse for crying like "Uenoyama, I'm sorry, my hamster died..." There's like no way I'm falling for something stupid like that. "That bastard *sob*... What the hell was he thinking...? *sob* Yuki... *sob* why?" Mafuyu's words were muffled by the pillow, but I understood them fine. And I was shocked. I'd never heard him use curse words like that. Never. What's going on with him?

I lay there, unable to go to sleep. It wasn't because Mafuyu was loud or I drank too much coffee, but the rain was coming down in sheets. Thunder roared and lightning corrupted the sky. I wasn't scared of storms or anything, they just bugged me and made it incredibly hard to sleep. And I couldn't stop staring at Mafuyu. I didn't want to admit this to anyone, or myself, or to him, for that matter, but I liked him a little. He was actually really wholesome and adorable. I normally didn't sympathize for anyone crying like this, but my heart hurt for Mafuyu every single time I heard his muffled sobs at night.

I finally had enough. I couldn't just lie there anymore. So I stood up and walked over to Mafuyu's side of the room and sat on the side of his bed. "You okay?" "I'm fine. You can go back to sleep." he mumbled, not moving his head away from that stupid pillow. I yanked the pillow out of his hands and grabbed his shoulders. "What is it?! What's going on with you?" I demanded from him. "Don't worry about it. Everything's fine," he said, smiling as if everything was perfectly fine. "Don't lie." I said, biting my tongue to keep myself from giving him a sharp remark. "I'm not." "You just lied again," I said impatiently. "Please stop." His expression flashed to slight anger- but just for a second. "I'm worried about you." I said. "No, stop, leave me alone, Ue." I wasn't sure if he's made a nickname for me or just couldn't make out my whole name– but I didn't care. The way he said it made my heart jump.

Mafuyu's POV

Uenoyama sighed and turned on the lamp next to his bed. "C'mon, tell me." he said. "It doesn't matter anyways, I just poked myself in the eye and it really hurt." I lied. He rolled his eyes. "Sure." he said sarcastically. He sighed and turned the TV on. "This isn't the first time I've heard you crying, y'know." he sighed, patting a spot on his bed next to him as he sat down. Hesitantly, I sat next to him. I was a little surprised. I thought I'd done such a good job of making sure Ue was asleep before I let it out. I tried so hard. "Hey. Come back to Earth. Mafuyu." Ue snapped. I blinked, leaning against the wall. "Y-Yeah, sorry..." I was so tired. I haven't slept in so long. All I wanted to do was sleep, but all my body wanted to do was cry and all my mind wanted to do was die.

Suddenly, my cheek was stinging as I looked up in surprise at Ue, who had slapped me. "Hey, I told you to come back to Earth." he said. "S-Sorry." I stared at him for a minute before standing up. "I just wanna go to bed..." "He grabbed me and pulled me down. "You're just gonna go back to crying. I'm not letting you leave until you go to sleep, Mafuyu." he said with a stern tone. I knew there was no arguing with my roommate. Once he made up his mind, it was all done. I couldn't say otherwise.

Uenoyama's POV

I sat there for a minute, staring at Mafuyu, the beautiful boy in front of me, whose gaze was fixed on the empty wall as tears budded in his eyes. The most I could do right now was give him some sleep. So I simply sat there, the TV drowned out by my internal thoughts.

It was quiet for a while. I ended up muting the TV, unsure if Mafuyu slept better in noise, quiet, or anything in between. I simply sat there for what felt like forever- until I noticed a light weight on my chest. I had to double-take because I was insanely shocked. Mafuyu was dozing peacefully with his head on my chest, his brownish pink hair falling into his eyes. I carefully moved out from underneath him, laying his head on my pillow and clicking the lamp and TV off. I tossed a blanket loosely over him and decided that I'd sleep on the floor. 

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