The Other Raven strikes back part 3:The end

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Trigon and The Other Raven took over the entire world. everything was covered in lava and stone with a bunch of four-eyed raven's everywhere. Buildings were destroyed and burned and flesh became stone except for Raven, Pika and the Other Raven. Raven uncovered herself and Pika looking at the world and gasps. "No...Not again..." She gently held her husband in her arms as Pika looked at the earth. "Raven? Is this what the earth looked liked when you did it the first time?" Raven nodded sadly not wanting to relive this again. "Yes. This happened the first time when I was with the Titans but Robin found me. Now...I have you and i'm not going to let anything happen to you." Pika looked outside as it was horrible in his eyes.

Trigon made the world his world again and sent fire demons to conquer other worlds while he stayed on earth but The Other Raven was impatient. "Father? Where is my Pika? He should be with me like you promised. Today is our wedding day." Trigon's eyes glowed red until he teleported Pika into The Other Raven's arms. "HE IS ALL YOURS BUT...I WANT TO CHANGE HIM." Pika gasped as he was in the Other Raven's arms and struggled to escape. "T-The Other Raven?! NOO!!!" Pika struggled to escape but Trigon turned him into his human form. A young teenage boy with yellow hair and grey-black eyes with his ears and tail. he was wearing a yellow hoodie and black sweat pants. "M-My Human form?!" But The Other Raven was already all over him. "Mmm...Hello hunkalicious...time for our wedding Pika!" Raven gasped as Pika was teleported away from her. "Pika...No!" Raven snarled in anger and immediately tried to fly towards her husband but Trigon put obstacles in her away to stall her. 

Pika struggled to break free but the Other Raven already dressed him up in a black tux and was walking down the aisle with one handcuff around his wrist while the Other Raven had the other cuff around her wrist. "Your not getting away from me again Pika...We're going to be married...and we'll have our children." She purred as she cuddled into Pika while Pika wanted to escape. "No...I'm already married and I don't want to be married to a psychotic, insane clone of my wife!" The Other Raven growled lightly and put a collar on him. "Your not going to escape me again Pika...and your going to obey me like a good husband." Pika sat down on the aisle stalling for his Raven to arrive. 

Raven was doing her best to stop the Other Raven from marrying Pika but her father was sending fire demons to stop her. "Father!! You can't stop me from saving my husband!" She snarled and did her best to stop the fire demons from coming at her. Pika was stalling by sitting on the aisle not moving. The Other Raven was snarling lightly at her obsession. "Pika? Sweetheart? Time to get up and marry me...Now!" Pika was ignoring her and just clinging onto the carpet as The Other Raven was pulling on his collar choking him and the cuff over his wrist. "N-No! I-I'm not going to marry you when i'm already married to the most wonderful, powerful, gorgeous, one-of-a-kind girl in the universe!" Pika was resisting the best he can trying to stall long enough for Raven to come but The Other Raven snarled and picked him up by her powers. "We are going to be happy perfect Pika." The Other Raven put some duct-tape over his mouth so he couldn't protest his objections. "Oh Trigon! we're ready!" 

Trigon chuckled evilly as he was getting ready to wed The Other Raven and Pika. "ONCE PIKA IS TRULY OUT OF THE WAY...I CAN DESTROY MY DAUGHTER ONCE AND FOR ALL." Trigon lowered his head and cleared his throat loudly. "EVILLY BELOVED WE ARE GATHERED ON THIS RED DOOMED PLANET TO JOIN THE OTHER RAVEN AND PIKA IN HORRIFYING MATRIMONY. THE OTHER RAVEN  HAS MADE SOME VOWS." The Other Raven smiled evilly with her razor sharp fangs showing. "My dear, sweet, handsome, loyal Pika...When I was first made and I saw you...It was love at first sight. I made many objects in my room out of your fur and I made a necklace out your fangs. I will always love you and i'll take good care of you. You are perfect for me in every way..." She growled and whispered into his ear. "I hope you feel the same way...or else..I will kill Original Raven right in front of you." Raven finished destroying the fire demons and rushed towards Pika's wedding. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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