Chapter 1

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One Day Later...... RING RING! Rosalia Woke up , she yawned and got down stair's Her mom said :

"Rosalia Come Come!... Now eat i Made pancake's"

Rosalia Said :

"Oh Thank's Mom!"

She grabbed a fork and started eating. Then after she was done , she grabbed her plate and put it in the sink after she went back to her bedroom and got to the bathroom. She got her tooth brush and she started brushing her teeth.

Then after she brushed her teeth , she taked of all of her clothe's and went in the shower.she showerd for 10 minute's and got off on the shower and grabbed a towel , she put the towel on and dressed up and got to school there she saw his boyfriend , Tristan she said :

"Tristan! Hi Good morning!"

Then Tristan said :

"Oh hi rosalia! Good Morning too"

Then we talked and got to class together and waited......

To be continued...

Unstoppable Love 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora