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                                                             art doesn't belong to me.

❝ IN WHICH the (not-so-hidden) antagonist rewrites fate to set things right, and 

maybe, find the salvation he desperately wants. ❞

    CAUTION, this story contains heavy themes. There will be content warnings before each chapter but please tread carefully.

    DISCLAIMERS, english is my second language, so if there's any mistakes, feel free to point it out! i write as a stress-reliever more than anything so i hope you enjoy this story as much as i did when writing it (mwah!) p.s i'm so sorry if the characters are ooc, i'll do my best to write them as in-character as i can haha :") p.p.s feel free to ask me questions! i also find my writing very confusing, everything is all over the place lmao

dedicated for

MYSELF, because I'll never recover from the trauma and good memories ShingShong gave me

(not that I'm complaining)

servus; omniscient reader's viewpointWhere stories live. Discover now