Chapter 6

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Emiyo sighs out softly and heads to her room, wanting to be away from the others as much as possible but is stopped by Yami. "Is there something you would like to talk about?" Emiyo asks. "Yes there is actually... out of all the squads why did you choose the lowest of the low?" Yami asks. Emiyo stares at him for a few minutes, the two standing in silence before she lets out a sigh "I wanted to see life at a... different... perspective..." she says. "I don't believe that... there is no need to lie, you know" Yami says. Emiyo frowned, "I guess I can never lie to a captain" she let out a sigh, "but I rather not talk about it" she says. Yami looks at her and pats her head, messing up her hair a bit "I won't make you so don't worry about it. I know you'll do great" he says before leaving. Emiyo gently sets her hands on top of her head to feel the warmth from his hand, "thank you captain..." she whispers before heading into her room.

*The next day*

Emiyo was up early, getting the paperwork that she had to do. Having to do her own and Yami's knowing well that he wouldn't look at it. Asta yawned as he came out of his room, seeing Emiyo and smiled, "morning Emi! Ready for the first day?!" He yells. Emiyo giggles "there's no need to yell Asta, I'm right here. Besides you might wake up the captain and he can be a grumpy person when someone wakes him" she warns. Asta shivers as he could already imagine himself 6 feet under because of waking the captain, "r-right".

Asta clears his throat and sits next to Emiyo, "I've been meaning to Emi... I hope I don't offend you or something but I wanted to know. All the captains raised their hands, practically throwing themselves at you. So why did you choose the Black Bulls?". Emiyo frowned and sighed, "well you see my father... is a very important man and they all would like someone who is almost like him to be on their team." She turns to him and smiles "but I want to work my way up, not be privileged. I wanna work to become the first Wizard Queen". Asta blushed softly and was surprised for a few minutes, smiling "then that makes us rivals!" He says cheerfully. Emiyo giggles and nods "yes I guess that does".

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