book one- introduction

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Dear Diary

May 16th,was the day I was told I was going to die...

I lived my life feeling nothing but happiness,but there are times that I wonder.?if I'll ever learn to feel again.

My name is Alice Elizabeth Bridee, I'm My father's only Daughter, considering my mother died when I was 4.

By the time I turned 13,my father married my stepmother,lady Melody Kerison.

Soon enough I gained two stepsisters...two very odd stepsisters.

When I turned 15, my Father went to the capital..and cheated on my stepmother.

Soon after, mother adopted me legally and sent me straight to boarding school,it was her way of telling me to become a woman.

The Day I returned for winter break was the day my father returned. You would imagine how I felt when he returned..

"My Darling women,I have returned"- Duke Bridee

"You foolish excuse of a man,get out!"-Duchess Bridee

"You'll be nothing without me women! I came here to see Alice"- Duke Bridee

Mother gestered me to come to her,and whispered in my my ear..

"Don't let his tricks fool you"...

A few things about My mother..she was indeed spiceless and scornful,but she was a smart woman who had a kind heart.

Mother mainly put her Focus on me because I was "that" man's daughter,also I was a girl who never carried any of his mental traits.

It took mom a few years to except my father back into her life,and Gave me the middle name, Elisabeth, after her because her daughters weren't up to her standards and her name use to be Elisabeth.

My parents decided that it was time to pick an heir for house Bridee,they wanted me to become heir because I carried the last name.

In order for me to be heir of the family Fortune, I needed to Marry a duke of high status,which my father refused me to marry a duke because he wanted me to become a king's concubine,which was indeed very inappropriate..ugh!

My two sisters on the other hand were forced to marry princes due to them being from different houses.

My sisters Eloise and Margret Kerison,their last names were changed due to a love scandal of their fathers wanting an heir to their house.

Which is why mother wanted their last names to be Kerison.

My step grandparents took a hold over my sister's future's because they believed that my mom's focus was only pointed towards me and wanted no political focus on her other daughters.

But If I become heir of house Bridee, I'll die by the time I marry,if I ever get married...

A few things about me, I'm not a people person, I'm family oriented and extremely shy.

Every time I go to galas and Royal balls,I always stand next to my mother, because I always feel so unwelcomed and overwhelmed.

My father tells me I'm like a delicate Rabbit with no means of opening up.

Well what can I say? I never push to get married,and I don't strive to fall in love too quickly.

Now, here's what you need to know about my father,he is a heartless scoundrel who only cares about using women.

He never bothered nor was he allowed to see my bialogical mom when she was on her death bed with breast cancer.

My Mother, Isabella Ravenheart,was a peaceful women who loved my dad,but not a lot,she knew that my father was getting disinterested so she never spoke to him about seeing a doctor.

She believed that it was better for her to die then to be stuck with a man like him.

Her last words were..."My flower, blossm til you wither away"..

Those are the words she said to me before she died.

From that very day,I turned into a emotionless child,and I stayed that way for a very long time.

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