book Two- Breakfast

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As I walked down the hall,I could here the voices of the servants and maids gossiping about how they pity me because I was that heartless man's daughter.

As I walked down the hall,I could here the voices of the servants and maids gossiping about how they pity me because I was that heartless man's daughter

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"This way my lady"- Nanny Laura

I ignored their unhealthy comments and altered my way into the dining room, when I walked in I sat down in my seat next to my sisters.

"What took you so long? I swear it's like I can't eat food without waiting for you"- Eloise

"Hush Eloise! Be nice to her,she hasn't been feeling well lately"- Melody

"It's alright mother, I'll be ok"- Alice

"It's alright mother, I'll be ok"- Alice

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"Hello dear sister"- Margret

"Good morning Alice"- Alexander

"Good morning my beautiful Alice" - Melody

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"Good morning my beautiful Alice" - Melody

"Good morning everyone"- Alice

As if this day could get any better, of had to be the day of the royal suitor ball.

"Mother,his Majesty is hosting the gala for couples to find their sonifficant other"-  Eloise

"Perhaps we should go, maybe Alice will find a duke to marry"- Melody

"Is Alice really going to be married soon mother?"- Margret

"She is,and just in time to hold the family title"- Melody

Mother held my hand fermly as she said those words with a smile,I looked at her shyly and then smiled, acting like I was excited.

"Why not a prince? Princes are far-"

"Don't you dare say it!"

"Mother, Father..may I be excused?"

"Do you have a fever?"

"No..I just need to rest for a bit"

I got up from my seat and exited the dining room,as I got into my room,I began to cough up blood. I slowly struggled to get to my bed and suddenly fell on the floor.

"My lady, are you alright?"

"Call for the doctor at once,tell no one about this"

"My lady.."

"Please Laura.."

Laura agreed,and called the doctor,I laid in bed feeling extremely heavy on my chest.

"The Doctor is here my lady"

"Thank you Laura"

The doctor sat down in front of me preparing his tools.

"You must tell your family about how ill you've become"

"You must tell your family about how ill you've become"

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"I'll tell them when things are not so chaotic"

"Have you been taking your pills as instructed?"

"Yes Doctor I have"

"Good,I must say, you're lungs aren't in good shape.."

"How long do I have?.."

"You have three years my ladyship"

"Please find a way to help me live..I don't want to die too soon"

I was gifted a wonderful why do I feel like I'll die without a Sense of meaning?!

I had to watch my mother die right in front of me,so why do I have to die like her?!!

No! I will not let this be the story where I die without a happy ending! I will strive to love and not be scared
I will be better!

I am Alice Elizabeth Bridee,and I will not give up!

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