Problem! Problem! Problem!

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Cale : Your Highness, we have a problem!

Alberu : Let me guess. You caused it?

Cale : ......

Cale : That's correct but I must say I truly offended by that remark.


Choi Han : I have a problem!

OgCale : Gimme a sec. I'm not drunk enough to listen to this yet.

Choi Han : .....💢

Choi Han : Listen. I'm gonna hit you real quick with this lamp and start my  hero arc okay?


Rosalyn : We have a problem!

Cale : You call it a problem. I call it a solution

Eruhaben : You said the same thing last time too.

Cale : Yeah, I did. And it turned out well.


Lock : Young Master Cale! We have a problem!

Cale : If you mean those flaming pillars, that's our solution to the last week's problem.

Eruhaben : I was truly impressed that it worked.

Cale : Why, thank you.


Cale : *slammed open the door* Your Highness! We have a problem!

Alberu : *drowned in infinity paperworks* Would shooting you solve this problem? No? Then get out.

Cale : ......

Cale : Can I at least have a cookie before I leave?

Raon : Oh! Me too!

Alberu : ........💢

Tasha : Your Highness, please put your Taerang away from you for now.

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