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"Miss Nya! Miss Nya!" Many faceless voices called out to get my attention. I tried to capture each lens even as the constant flashing attempted to overwhelm me. I couldn't help the small smile that would threaten to split my face wide if I let it. It took a lot of time and energy, but look at me. Momma, I made it. My first award show. My first award nomination. My first taste of the flashing lights.

"Miss Nya! Miss Nya! How was it working with your costars on this project?" a random reporter asked.

"It was a great learning experience." I said with a polite smile.

"Miss Nya, this way please." I waved and followed as a person dressed in all black guided me down the red carpet. I followed carefully. The length of my evening gown made it almost appear as though I was gliding across the lit up pathway towards other reporters and celebrities. I was led to an area where I saw my other costars speaking with a man with curly long hair. He was enthusiastically speaking to them.

"Hey, took you long enough!" Charlotte, my costar and on set best friend said.

"There's a lot of traffic on the carpet tonight." I responded.

"We wanna do the 360 camera shot. We were waiting on you and one more person."


"Ah, here he comes. The man of the hour!" The curly long haired man said. The deep chuckle that followed triggered me. I willed my face to not react. "Now that you're all here, let's get this glambot working!" We allowed ourselves to be arranged for the photo. As luck would have it, I ended up next to the annoying man of the hour.

"Charlotte, switch spots with me." I whispered through my fake smile. I could feel it become staler.

"Nya, one picture won't hurt."


"Okay okay." We switched discreetly.

"And three, two, one. That's it!" The curly long haired man said. I quickly left the area once we were done getting the shot.

"I'd like to take my seat." I said to my assistant. They nodded and led me inside. There were more crowded bodies wearing expensive clothing bustling inside as well. I immediately took my seat. I pulled out my phone to check my messages when I felt a large body plop into the seat beside me.

"Miss Nya, you ran off so quickly after the photo. I didn't even get a chance to say hey." I felt my annoyance heighten. I took a deep breath to neutralize my expression. "And you switched spots with Charlotte for the photo. Be careful. People might think you don't like me."

"There's nothing to be careful of. Because I don't like you, Michael." I said without looking at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Michael pretend to be wounded.

"Come on. Don't be like that." I chanced a look at Michael. He was in a suede burgundy suit that hugged his muscled upper body just right. I bit my lip and refocused my gaze forward. He put his arm around the back of my chair. "Are you going to the after party?"

"If I have to, I will."

"And if you don't? You won't?"

"Wow, good to know there's a partially functioning brain in your head."

"Well, I'll just make sure it's mandatory then." I turned and narrowed my eyes at Michael. "What? You know I can. Just go. It'll be fun."

"I don't want t-"

"Midtown Publications. Can we get a picture of the two hottest costars of the night?" A photographer came by interrupting me.

"I wouldn't say hottest." I chuckled with my mouth in a thin line.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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