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Note: I changed a few things in the last part, which are Importen to understand what is happening now.

POV: Asta

I slowly opened my eyes after being woken up from thick raindrops pouring down on me.

I couldn't quite see since it was dark but I found myself laying in a pool of white roses that had a slight refreshing scent to them.

There was also a crowd of people standing above me, with mixed facial expressions, which some of them being sad, others rather shocked.

Not one word broke the silence until I stood up quietly, asking where I was. I didn't receive an Answer for a couple minutes except stare's of disbelieve from the people standing around me.

But suddenly a petite voice spoke up from behind me. „ Asta is that really you..?", the one asking was a child with black hair and a purple robe.

When I turned around to see who had said this I saw the child standing next to an old man with white hair, A young women who looked like a nursing sister and two other kids that stood behind her.

They all looked very startled but somewhat relived and fortunate. "I-", but bevor I could even utter a single sentence all of them basically came flying at me pulling me in for a big hug.

They seemed so familiar and cheerful that I couldn't resist in hugging them back. I almost started to cry sensing their sorrow. Eventually after a long hug and all of them calming down I asked:
"I'm sorry but Who are you...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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