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(3rd person POV flashback)

Before Raine enters the room with wonder in her mind, the other two beings inside are already talking it out.

"Would you like to have a glass of water?" Solene offered Allen.

"Sure sure" he agreed. Allen writing some plans on the board.

She poured a glass cup of liquid from the white pitchel. Glancing at the stormy weather made her realize Virgil has all the reason but to lash out is still unnecessary. Her hazel eyes reflect the setting. Bridging across the space and Solene gives Allen the replenishing drink. Extending her slender arms to Allen's chubby limbs.


The non-permanent markers which used to make a graphic on the whiteboard halted in their tracks. Allen looks at his right side where Solene stood. Judging appearance has always been natural to humans. Allen notices the mole below her right eye. It's been some time since they've start seeing each other because of his request, but for the first time he glanced on Solene's minor facial feature. Perhaps it was too irrelevant due to Solene having a pretty face.

"Thank you" expressing his gratitude. Drinking it all in one gulp. A reason why he's called a "fatty" by the angry valedictorian. "AAAHHHH. Water tastes sweet if you're thirsty enough."

"What're you drawing?" Solene stares at the whiteboard. She gently takes the empty cup from Allen's hand.

"Hmmm, few ideas from my mind. A graphic designer for an easier understanding. What'd ya think about it?"

Reading few sentences didn't get to Solene's good side. Her impression to the paragraph in front wasn't the best. She smiled faintly. The whole paragraph screams anime-esque tropes and clichès in which she found lame. It wasn't suitable for a stageplay.

"Uhhmmm..." with a vague expression drawn in her face. "Let's hear what the other two would say."

The rain dropped hard on the ceiling. So much that it muffled some noises in the background. A tropical depression has been reported yesterday on TV. It will take nighttime before Solene can hitch a bus by her estimation. Our characters are trapped on this building if they don't want to cross the storm. As for Virgil, being wet is the bane of his existence.

Door hinges squeeked as Raine opened the door and entered. Allen and Solene both placed their sight to the entrance. The three of them curved their lips at the arrival with Raine's being the most expressive. The brown haired girl waves her fingers at chest level as a greeting.

Everything was going well. Raine brought a comfortable atmosphere. The presence of the group's cheerleader is enough to lighten the hearts of the two, but the door hinges squeeked once again. Revealing the poet's image behind it.

Zeus screamed all over the heavens. A thunder blasted through the ears of our characters. Upon Virgil's entrance the whole situation became wholy unpleasant. The protagonist is uncomfortable, so as Solene and even more of Allen. He awkwardly stood in the opening, avoiding all sorts of connection from the prying eyes crossing Raine's shoulders. He stood there embarassed.

Raine's eyes wondered through the scene. The shaking feeling in her heart is subtle but cannot be ignored.


"Before everything should be considered, I need to know about the budget the higher ups provided for the project. Allen, can you show it to me?"

The meeting has begun. They focus on drawing all their brainpower in this project.

"The officials said they'll cover the cost no matter how much it is" Allen replied to Raine.

"I see."

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