Bad Dreams

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„I look at my hands"

„My fur is fading black"

„My halo fell off and broke"

„Instead, a pair of horns started to grow out of my head"

„It hurts so much, I can feel the blood dripping off my face"

„It's mixing with my tears"

„I'm trying to fly up"

„But I can't. My wings have lost all the feathers. They're about to fall off"

„I'm a demon now"

„How could you, Father? I will have my revenge..."

„Wait... what is this...?"

„The ground is... shattering?"

„Oh dear... I'm falling once again"

„The black void consumes me"

„Somebody, make it stop"




„AHHH!" The Devil woke up. He was in his bedroom, lying in his huge bed. It was nighttime.

„Huh...?" he said, looking around. „Oh, I was dreaming again..." He got up and sat. He took the pillow that was the closest to him and hugged it tightly.

„Darn you, nightmares! Why do you always have to haunt me and remind me of this horrible thing which have irreversibly changed me forever?! Ugh, stupid heaven... stupid fall..." he started softly sobbing into the pillow.

Suddenly, he heard steps outside his room. The door opened to reveal none other than The Devil's number one himself, King Dice.

„Boss, is everything alright?" asked Dice „I heard screams from your room"

„Dice... Come here" said Satan calmly. Dice stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He ran over to his boss, and sat by his side. He had a worried look on his face.

„Flashbacks..." The Devil started „You probably know this already, but I used to be God's favorite archangel. But one day, everything changed. I rebelled against Him, and He punished me by kicking me out of heaven and turning me into a demon. Even though now I'm good here in hell, my fall and transformation was one of the most traumatizing things I've ever experienced. It was so painful... and terrifying... and... and..." Satan couldn't take it anymore. He bursted into tears and hid his face in his hands.

„Boss... wait..." Dice was very concerned about the king of hell. „Boss, look at me..." he put his hand on Devil's cheek and lifted it up, so he could see his tearful, yellow eyes.

„Calm down, Devy" he said gently, putting his second hand on on the other side of Lucifer's head. „I know this might have been the most horrifying experiences in your life. I would be traumatized too. But I guarantee you that this will never happen again. The only place where it exists now is your memory. Your current life as the ruler of the underworld is good after all. You even told me many times that you prefer being here than in heaven too! So maybe you should just forget what happened in the past, and enjoy your current life?"

The Devil sighed. „I was trying, Dicey... I was trying to forget about it. But it just keeps returning, in my nightmares. What if it's gonna haunt me forever, and keep me in the eternal fear and anxiety that someday it will happen again? I don't wanna go back to it, even in my dreams..." He begun to feel himself tearing up again.

Suddenly, he felt a familiar touch – his number one's arms wrapped around him, with Satan's head being glued to his chest. „Then, I will protect you" whispered Dice „No matter what, I will always stay by your side. You can be safe with me"

After some hesitation, The Devil closed his eyes and ended up hugging Dice back, with a gentle smirk on his face. His employee hugged him even tighter in response. Devil truly felt safe in such close embrace. Especially that it belonged to King Dice. „You know, Dice... There's a good reason why you're my number one. Whenever I'm with you, I feel like an angel again. I just feel so... alive" He looked up at his number one. Dice was smiling at him, and he suddenly kissed his forehead. Devil purred happily, blushing.

They were hugging for a few more minutes, when Devil begun to yawn. „Heh, it seems like you calmed down already, boss" said King Dice „I think you should go to bed now"

„Dice, wait..." said Satan gently „I want you to stay with me. I don't want the nightmares to come back. Please, be my guardian..." he was making a puppy-dog eyes. The diced-headed man couldn't help but smile at his boss. „Fine. Of course I can sleep with you" The Devil started to smile again too. He went under his bedsheets with Dice going there right after him. Lucifer have immediately wrapped his arms around him and laid his head on his chest. Dice hugged him back. 

„Goodnight, Devy" said King. „And if you will have any bad dreams again, just wake me up" „Of course, dear!~" Devil responded. „Goodnight!" And after that, the two men fell asleep in each other's embrace, smiling that they're with one another.



Whew! I finished this oneshot! What did you think of it? If you catch up any mistakes, let me know! But wait, there's more! On the next page you will find the bonus one! But be careful: That one might be depressing!

Bad Dreams (Devildice Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now