Into the iland: part 3

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DAY 2 6:00
My eyes fluttered awake as I slowly checked the time. 6:02AM. I was surprised that I woke up at this time since usually I would wake up at 4-5. I got up brushed my teeth, showered and got dressed.
What she is wearing:

After getting ready I made my way to the kitchen and I saw jiwoo there

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After getting ready I made my way to the kitchen and I saw jiwoo there.
Me: Hi jiwoo
Jiwoo: Oh hello eonni
Me: aigoo don't call me eonni it make me feel old
Jiwoo: but you aren't
Me: Anyway how are you doing? All of your unit members apart from you didn't make it in. It must be hard
Jiwoo: umm I mean everyone here is really nice and I managed to get some good roommates too
I felt relieved. I felt bad for her since all of her close friends were in the ground.
Me: that's good then
Jiwoo: I think I'll go practice now.
She smiled at me and then left. I took a bite into an apple and just looked at her figure disappearing.
There was something up with her.

Jiwoo POV
I was trying to get to the practice room as fast as I could. Why did Mei eonni have to come to the kitchen at that time. I was scared. What if she found out? I should tell her about their plan. Yes that's right.

I was trying to find Mei eonni but I couldn't when suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I prayed to god that it wasn't her.

As I turned around I saw jay and sunghoon behind me.
Me: oh hello sunbaenim
Jay: ah hello jiwoo
Sunghoon: you seemed a bit worried. Is anything up?
Jay: you know we are always here
I wasn't sure if I should tell them or not. I decided not to.
Me: oh I was just looking for Mei eonni and I couldn't see her anywhere so I got a bit worried
Sunghoon: oh if that's the case Mei is in the upstairs practice room
Me: thank you
I ran to the upstairs practice room as fast as I could and I saw Mei eonni there.
Me: eonni (I whispered)
Eonni looked at me confused.
Eonni: why are you whispering
Me: I need to tell you something
She nodded softly and gestured for me to sit next to her.
I explained about their plan to eonni in detail. Well from all that I know.
Mei: so you mean to say that Eunbi and Yena will cut up my final costume?
I nodded
Mei: ugh those idiots. you know what I just won't let them get near my costume.
I was still worried.
Me: eonni you should still be careful.
Mei: I know. I'll triple check to make sure there are no rips
Me: ok thank you eonni
I softly sighed. Thank god eonni was gonna be okay.
Mei: oh and also how did you find out?
Me: my roommates are —
Eunbi: Hi guys what are you doing?
Me: umm we are—
Eunbi: I asked Mei
I looked down. Of course she did. She probably heard me telling Mei about their plan.
Mei: oh we were talking about how an idol's stylist cut up her stage outfit because she was jealous. It's a dumb thing to do right? Because her fans became more sympathetic towards her and she became more famous.

Eunbi POV
When she said that I realised she had a point. The fans would only support her more if that was to happen. I said bye to those idiots and ran to Yena.

Me: Yena don't bother doing it

Yena: why?

Me: the fans will start liking her more and she might even go viral

Yena: oh so basically what I told you earlier

I got annoyed since I hate admitting I was wrong but since she was my close friend I decided to.

Me: Fine Fine it was what you said Anyway let's go practice

~MAGIC TIME SKIP not that magic but ok~
The hyungs and I walked back to the dorm I saw the ground. I had never been in it but I was curious about what it was like.

Me: Niki what's the ground like??

Niki: it's black

Meanwhile the hyungs burst out into laughter after hearing his response but I was just annoyed.

Me: Jay hyung what is it like??

Jay: Black just like Niki said

I knew they were all teasing me.

Me: fine I'll go in and see

Heeseung: Jungwon no! You know the producers will kill us if we go to the ground.

I sighed. I knew he's was right since the producers told us not to go to ground. I found it weird though.why couldn't we to ground?

Sunghoon: just look at it through the live cameras

Me: oh yeah thank you hyung

They all softly chuckled and we made our way back to the dorm.

??? POV
I saw them going home. This was my chance. I ran to the ground. I needed to talk to her.

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