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Jake is 11 and he has always wet the bed. So he is in Goodnites. He tried everything to stop wetting like not drinking anything after 6, and the bed wetting alarm, get up a couple times a night but every morning he still work up wet.

Jake's class was going on a 6 day Field trip. He didn't want to go but his parents said that they think he should go but that they aren't going to make him. Jake thought about it for a few days and decided to go on the field trip.

Jake was packing for the field trip. He made sure he had 12 Goodnites in his bag and packed clothes and then went to school and went to class. The teacher said that they were heading out in 15  minutes so if anyone had to go to the bathroom to go now. Jake didn't have to go to the bathroom but thought to himself that he should put on a Goodnite just in case he fell asleep on the bus.

So Jake went to the bathroom and put a Goodnite on and then went back to class. When he got back to class it was time to get on the bus. The class headed out to the bus. Jake went to the back seat of the bus and sat down.

About 5 minutes later the bus took off. 30 minutes went by and Jake fell asleep. Jake wet himself. He slept all the way to the destination. He woke up and realized that he wet himself and thought thank god he put the Goodnite on.

He went to the bathroom and changed back into his underwear. 3 days went by. Went all 3 nights he put his Goodnite on like always. He wet but no one knew because he had the Goodnites on. But the the 4th night he forgot to put a Goodnite on and like always he wet the bed.

He woke up shocked and a few kids were laughing at him calling him baby pee pants and lots of others names. Soon the whole class knew that Jake wet the bed and all made fun of him except for 2 of his class mates named Cole who was the same age as Jake and Ian who was a year older than Jake and Ian both wet the bed like Jake .

It's been 3 months since then and Jake, Cole and Ian are best friends. They all still wet the bed. They go over to each other's house for sleep over's and they hang out at school. After school and weekend they go and play video games together. They all still get made fun of for wetting the bed at school, but they don't care because they all found a true friend. In a month Jake, Ian and Cole are going on a trip to Disney World with Cole's Parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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