Chapter 3

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*Tiana's P.O.V.*

When we got back to my place. Shaianne and Kiana were sitting on the couch watching Mean Girls. Jc and I decided to go up to my room. When we got up there Jc closed the door.

"So.... what should we put on our channel" I asked.

"I don't know it up to you?" He said flashing that perfect smile at me. Snap out of it before he catches you staring at him.

"Um....... let's do vlogs, how to's, challenges, and a bunch of random stuff?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Alright! Let's get started."

We got out my camera and started filmin.

"Hey what's up ya'll I'm Jc Caylen."

"Hey I'm Tiana."

"And together we make up TheseWeirdos!"

"I know ya'll know who I am because you probably see me appear on many channels. But this is my best friend and girlfriend Tiana."

"Now I know what you're thinking. Jc lives in Texas. And I live in California. So I let you ponder on that."

"Tiana... let's just tell them."

"Tell them about what?"

"The thing."

"Oh ya so I think I should tell you guys the story of how Jc and I first met. Just an FYI I used to live in Texas."

"Ya'll are gonna love this story."

"Ok so when I was around 4 years old my family decided to move to Texas. When I first moved in my mom went to meet all our neighbors. Jc lived next door and when my mom went to introduce me to her. And from there Jc and I became best friends. Then when I was about 14 I moved to California because my parents got a promotion which required us to move to California. Then we kinda lost contact."

"But I found her again. And I will not let her go this time."

"Also we will be putting videos up on this channel every Saturday."

"Remeber ya'll are beautiful."

"See ya next time!" Then we did the kissing exit. Then we turned off the camera.

"That was fun," I said.


"Ya. I never realized how much fun that is."

"Do you wanna go get pizza?"


*Jc P.O.V.*

We decided to go to the pizzaria that was a block away so we decided to walk. When we were walking Tiana tried to grab my hand but she was hesitent so I just grabbed hers and a huge smile appeared on her face.

"So," she said.

"So what?"

"So why did you chose me over all the other girls in the world that are throwing themselves at you. They would kill to be in my shoes right now."

"The reason I chose you over all the other girls was you are really down to earth and you like me for me not YouTube sensation Jc Caylen."

"So you like me because I like the real you and not for your fame?"

"Yup. So why did you chose me I bet tons of guys would kill to be in my position."

"Well... you're really down to earth too. Also you understand me. It's like we're connected at the hip."

"Ya." Then we arrived at the pizzaria.

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