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YOU were walking to your car after you finished buying your groceries.
"Fuck where are my keys" you mumbled
rummaging through your bag.
"Excuse me ma'am I think you dropped these"
Startled by the voice behind you, you turned finding a keychain with your keys on it in the males hand.
"Ah thank you so much, I hope this wasn't too much trouble for you" you said before taking the keys from the man.
"No worries I'm glad I found you in time"
You hum before saying your last thank you then walking to your car.
"If it isn't too much trouble can I get your name?" The male said
You turned "Y/n, Y/n L/n" you smile "and yours?" You continue
"Kakucho Hitto"
"I hope to see you around Kakucho, thank you again, goodbye" you wave before getting into your car, Kakucho waves back as you started to drive away.
Kakucho started walking back to his car while getting on his phone dialing a number in

"I found the target, boss"

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