Chapter 1

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"Toyaaa!" Soft giggles filled the air. A little girl with long black hair and bright blue eyes ran through the woods in the backyard of her fathers coworkers' family home. The wife's of the two pro hero's were quite close and would spend a few hours a day catching up together over tea while their children played.

"Come on Angie you gotta be faster than that!" The boy came out of hiding to give Angie a chance to catch up. The small spots of white throughout his bright red hair are almost mistaken for clumps of snow. The pain under his bandaged arms is forgotten as he plays with his friend.

"When I get my quirk I'm gonna be fast enough to catch you!" The younger girl squealed as she jumped into his arms, the older boy trying to hide the pain on his face.

"Can I play too?" The boy's younger brother asked as he approached.

"No, stay away from her! You get everyone you're not getting her to!" Toya yelled at his younger brother, hugging the girl closer and spinning with her in his arms to add to the distance from his brother. "She's mine go away."

"Toya hunny be nice to your brother let him play." The boy's mom called out to them.

"You know he's got her wrapped around his finger she's just going to say no to." The girl's mom chuckled.

"He's the same way with her. With the four year age gap you would think Toya wouldn't want to play with her. But she's all he talks about besides training." The white hair woman shook her head.

"How is that going by the way?"

"Enji is trying to get him to stop. His quirk is too strong for his body. You can see how bandaged up he is from here. But no matter what either of us says or do he won't give it up. I-I'm worried he's going to kill himself trying to fit into his fathers ideal image." Tears started filling the mother's eyes as she spoke of her son.

"A phone call is here! A phone call is here!" A booming voice spoke through the other mother's phone.

"Oh shoot, sorry Rei, that's my husband calling." The woman scrambled in her bag for her phone. "Hey honey what's going on I thought you were going to be working late tonight? Yes we are over the Todoroki's Angie wouldn't stop asking to come see Toya since she woke up. No, I haven't noticed a quirk today. She's going to be five in a few months. I really don't think she's going to get one and I don't know how to explain that without crushing her dreams. Yes I'll tell her to start saying goodbye for today. I love yo-." She pulled the phone from her ear and looked at it. "Of course he hung up."

"You talked about the possibility of his daughter being quirkless. What did you expect? At least he's not as bad as Enji." Rei said as she sipped her tea.

"He's not as bad in a sense, yes but I don't think she's going to fare much better than how Toya has been." The woman stood from her chair and cupped her hands around her mouth. "Angie Daddy has gotten out of work early and wants us to meet him at home so the two of you can train. hurry up and say goodbye." Angie and Toya came running up to her mother hand in hand.

"Momma, can Toya come? His daddy won't train with him just sho-sho so can he train with us?" Angie gave her mother the best puppy dog eyes she could.

"It's up to Rei."

"Momma please! I know they are only doing normal hand to hand training without quirks but it's better then nothing!" The mothers could hear the shake in Toyas voice.

"Okay but you do not use your quirk at all. Do you understand Toya?" He nodded his head enthusiastically. "If you have him home in time for dinner his father won't notice." She whispered to Angie's mom while the kids were too busy chatting about training.

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