Chapter 2

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I knew I wasn't in the compound anymore as soon as I started to wake up. I didn't even open my eyes yet and I could tell the difference. First off I was on a plush bed, not a surgical table or a cell floor. I may have been one of All for Ones favorites but I wasn't treated that much nicer than the others. The room was at a nice temperature so I wasn't freezing like normal. The quirk cancellation collar was still on my neck tho. I also didn't feel dirty like I was before. They must have given me a sponge bath and changed my clothes. How long was I out? 

"Are you going to open your eyes, dear? I know you're awake." The voice sounded like an older woman, like grandma's age. I peeked over at her and my assessment was right. She's a very little old lady. I went to sit up but was stopped by cuffs securing me to the bed. 

"So what's the game plan here? Just making sure I don't keel over and then locking me away in Tartarus?" I pulled at the cuffs a bit growling at them. 

"Oh no, why would we do that? The restraints were just a precaution; we weren't sure how you would react when you woke up." The granny smiled at me. "I'm sure Eraserhead will remove them after he asks you a few questions."

"Eraser is an underground hero. What is he doing messing with L.O.V shit?" I hadn't stopped messing with the restraints, but the old lady didn't seem to care. 

"I have been a teacher at UA for years now. My class has been heavily involved with missions associated with the league of villains. Recovery girl can you give us the room please." It's been a long ass time since I saw Eraserhead. He's gotten old, you can see it in his face. A face that is missing an eye holy fuck how did that happen. 

"What happened to your face?" I cocked my head to the side. 

"Lost the eye in the war. Leg too. That's not a very polite way to talk to someone you just met." He pointed down to his one leg. Oh ya, look at that, he's limping a bit as he walks over to sit next to my bed. 

"Mind answering a few questions?"

"Like I have a choice." I pulled my arms up as far as the cuffs allowed and pointed at my neck. 

"So you do have a quirk then? That's not just for show? What is your quirk called?" 

"Really gonna skip right to that? Not even going to ask my name?" 

"What's your name?" He didn't even look up from the papers in his lap. 


"Why are you lying?" Now I had his full attention. 

"I'm not. That's the name I have been using." 

"What's the name your parents gave you?"

"That doesn't matter." I could tell he was starting to get annoyed. "That girl died years ago. It's just Hadie now."

"I'm sure that girl's family would like to know what happened to her."

"The only ones who cared are all dead." 

"What about her uncle?" My head shot up. 

"What are you talking about?" I looked away as soon as we made eye contact. 

"You grow a few feet and your hair turns white and you think I wouldn't recognize you?" He looked genuinely confused. 

"You got the wrong girl." 

"Stop playing dumb Angela. You're better than that. What happened?"

"I'll tell ya what I know about All for One and his experiments, but I want my identity kept quiet. Like I said that girl died years ago, I want to keep it that way." 

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