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Finally, I have gone from the master procrastinator and have evolved into the Epic Updater because I like listening to the Interstellar soundtrack while writing things.


Snakestorm cursed to herself as she ran through the forest back to camp. When she had woken next to Skystorm, she had seem the sky painted in a pale pink. Dawn. It was dawn.

She could almost hear Daisyheart now.

She paused at the entrance to camp, nervous and worried of what kind of punishment was awaiting and how the other cats would react to her coming back at this time. Did they send out search patrols?

She pushed her way in and was met with a few faces of surprise and glares of hatred towards her. Daisyheart, upon noticing her, slid down off the rock she would sit at now as deputy, and hurriedly walked to her emerging sister.

"Where were you?" She demanded, Snakestorm took a step back and stared into her sister's eyes.


"Let me guess? Betraying the clan just like Shadowfur or Graysk-"

"Daisyheart! What Snakestorm was doing is nothing for you to worry about, now do your duty as a deputy!" Stonestar calmly told the fiery cat, who glared at Snakestorm before stalking back to her post. Stonestar slid back into his den, he was becoming more distant then ever to NightClan.

Snakestorm then felt some other cat brush against her pelt, she turned to see Brackenfoot smiling at her. The brown tabby tom led her to the area outside the warrior's den and laid down with her.

"While you where gone, three apprentices became warriors." Snakestorm followed his eyes to a light brown tabby tom, who was boasting about his scars to a annoyed Mossdapple and a sleeping Streamwhisper and Tigertail. "Oakstripe."

Then to a silver-gray she cat patching a hole in the nursery with Blackkit playing with a stick beside her. "Moontail." And then to a fluffy white tom cleaning a leaf out of his fur, "and that's now Cloudheart."

Snakestorm gathered the information and then looked around camp, letting her mind wonder. What was the FrostClan camp right now? Was it still destroyed? She felt Brackenfoot rest his head on her back and tilted her head back at the sky, seeing a clash of a milky colors and the darkness of the night trying to stay when the moon had already left.

She then saw a figure skip towards Daisyheart and realized it was Toadkit. No, Toadpaw, as he was asking Daisyheart about touring the territory. Daisyheart said they would train first and went back to talking with Weedclaw and Lizardfang. Toadpaw's ears drooped and he went back to his littermate, Patchpaw.

Then a low cry pierced the awakening camp, coming from the medicine den. A few cats standing around it jolted up and slowly walked away. Breezestep hauled herself out of her den to see what it was, she then turned to look at Snakestorm. Snakestorm nudged a half asleep, half awake, Brackenfoot off of her and silently made her way to the medicine den entrance.

"I'm sorry Willo-"

"So, he can't see anymore?"

"Yes but-"

"Can't you do anything about it?"

"I'm afraid-"

"Of course. You medicine cats can't try hard enough. Might as well put Darkstorm into the elders den now."

Willowshade bitterly spat at Thundertail, the young medicine cat hurt from her words as she turned to her friend, Darkstorm, who stared sightlessly into the rock. She then heard Breezestep grunt behind her and saw the sad looking elder pull herself back into her den. Where she had stayed ever since her back got broken.

"Snakestorm! Snakestorm!" Daisyheart's voice rang across the camp, angry and loud. Snakestorm whipped her head around to see Daisyheart pacing towards her.

"Snakestorm, to make up for the time you lost, you can go out and hunt near the border."

"Which one?"

"The one that borders nothing."

"But why there?" Snakestorm mumbled the last few words as Daisyheart turned away and walked away before hearing them. Snakestorm narrowed her eyes at her sister, suspicious of why she would want her to hunt there.

Snakestorm turned and fled into the forest, striding to the border, scenting the air as she walked. She detected nothing out of the usual.

When she got to the border, the trees where full of green leaves and a small running creek marked it. She stood rock still, carefully scenting the air. Hearing a bush rattle caused her to focus but she decided it was a squirrel or mouse. She was right as she saw the tail disappear into the leaves of the bush. Snakestorm crouched and saw the tiny feet scuttle across the dirt. She was about to pounce or run after it when two forces collided into her side.


The larger cat slammed his paw into the back of her head, pushing it into the ground. Snakestorm felt the shock go away and strength return to her legs before she would have to take a breathful of dirt and shot upwards, scaring the other smaller cat and taking the larger one by surprise. She turned to get a good look at them to see a large reddish tabby tom with a small black cat who hissed at her and ran away.

"Coward!" The red tabby shouted at his fleeing friend and jumped onto Snakestorm. He dug his claws into her shoulder and held her beneath him, making any attempt to struggle or flee useless to his power.

"She said to make it nice and clean...but I can have some fun right?" The tom sneered in her face, Snakestorm closed her eyes. She didn't want to die. No one wanted to die.

"Hey! Get off her!"

Suddenly the cat was screeching and running away while two TreeClan warriors helped Snakestorm up. She regonized one as Shadywhisker from the gathering.

"What....what are you doing here?" Snakestorm asked, looking between both of them.

"We came to talk to NightClan and FrostClan about those rogues that keep terrorizing us." The unfamiliar one answered. Snakestorm nodded then stared at him questionably.

"Oh, I'm Amberclaw."

"Why couldn't your leader come out?"

The TreeClan cats didn't answer but instead asked for her to take them to her camp, which she reluctantly did. Once there they immediately went to speak with Stonestar and Snakestorm went to get her minor scrapes and scratches treated by Thundertail.

When she came out, all she found was a annoyed Daisyheart and the TreeClan cats left to FrostClan already.

"For slacking off on your first make up, you'll be cleaning out old Breezestep's nest since I'm taking the two apprentices out to train." Daisyheart told her and went off to find Toadpaw. Snakestorm sighed and picked her way into the elders den. Where Breezestep lay there lonely. Snakestorm helped the elder out of her nest and began to roll up the old moss and toss it outside camp, collecting fresh new moss for the new nest. As she was arranging the nest, Breezestep finally spoke up.

"Shadowfur, Snowpelt, Graysky and next is.." Breezestep mumbled to herself, Snakestorm turning around. "What?"

"She's going to kill him soon. You should know that, smart one." Breezestep said to Snakestorm. "Daisyheart is corrupted, she wants full control and power and supremacy."

"I've noticed." Snakestorm retorted and finished with Breezestep's nest. Breezestep crawled into it, then gazed up at Snakestorm. Holding it, Breezestep's stare held many hard and cold memories. And it said clearly, "go warn Stonestar."


Wow you waited that long for this sucky update

Sorry, anyways, from this story, who's your favorite character so far?

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