Blood is sweeter than Candy.

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He looks at the table while the others chatter around him, footsteps we're getting louder. Approaching him was an old lady, she looked strict and bothered. Was she the one who was gonna take him in? Ayato farrowed his eyebrows when the lady sat down beside him.

"Are you still mourning the death of your useless mother?" The lady smirks, trying to get under Ayato's skin. Ayato responds with a nod, "She's your daughter too, right grandma?" he says coldly. "That mistake is not my daughter. And you will never be my grandchild."

"Like it or not, you can't do anything about it. I am still part of your bloodline." He looks at his grandmother again, as she looks at him with hatred. "Why do you hate me?" He asks.

His grandmother looks away and focused her eyes to her daughter's coffin, "You and your mother.. are the same." His grandmother says as she looks at him again, but this time.. Ayato noticed his grandmother's eyes with guilt and.. sadness.

"I wished I raised her more better than she expected to be raised." His grandmother says, this is the first time Ayato felt something. What is this weary feeling? ...

"I.. pity you." He blurted out. He's heard of this word before, and it was the same feeling he felt when someone explained the word to him. He felt very sorry for the old lady sitting beside him. His grandmother looks at him in disbelief, she should've felt offended.. but she was stunned to speak.

Did his grandson just felt something? does that mean she can fix him?..


His alarm clock rings at exactly 7:00 AM. 

Ayato gets up and goes outside his bedroom to the bathroom, he went inside and starts doing his daily routine. Ayato usually wakes up earlier than his alarm clock, so he always waits for it to ring. So that's a little detail for you to know.

He goes downstairs wearing his uniform, his hair neatly fixed with his bag on his hand. He gets his lunch box that his grandmother made for him and gets one toasted bread, he puts his shoes on and gets ready for the day.

As he arrives to his station at Akademi High school he notices his cousin, Ayano Aishi. Ayano and Ayato has the same last name, since Ayato's father is an Aishi and so is Ayano's father. Though Ayato's father left him at his young age, he knew that Ayano is his cousin. And he also knew his father had a brother.

It was very easy to figure out. Before he talked to Ayano they both had the same condition. That's why they always understood eachother and became friends, though Ayato and Ayano knew that it's better to keep it away from their family. Since they knew that they will be against their Friendship.

Ayato waved to Ayano as he walked towards her. "Still stalking that Taro guy?" He asks Ayano with a mischievous face.

"Shut it! you would know why I do this after you find the one that will make you feel something.." Ayano says ambitiously.

"You're making me cringe, stop being naive. You know that our illness is incurable right? it would be impossible to feel something again. We're freaks Ayano." Ayato explains to Ayano while they walk together.

"Can you stop being a kill joy?" Ayano says, "We're just pretending to feel something we don't. We both know how hard it is to pretend 24/7." They both stop walking as they see a teacher walking their way, their cold expression switches to a welcoming and an affectionate smile splattered on their faces, "Good morning, Sir Mido." They bow. 

The teacher looks at them both with lust. He then smiles at them, "Good morning to you both too. I hope you two didn't cause any trouble today,, or you would be terribly Punished." He winks and walks away.

Ayato and Ayano swears that they both felt something. They look at their arm and saw that their body hair stood up. Was this the goosebumps that the others talk about when they hear something they are uncomfortable with?

Ayano sighs, "Freaks or not Ayato-kun, I was able to feel some emotions when I first met Senpai." Ayano blushed at the thought of her beloved Senpai. Ayato laughs coldly, "Like what? Anger?, Jealousy?, Fear?, Sadness?, Or Guilt?" Ayato says waiting for Ayano to pick which one suited her the best.

"...You're being annoying. well, you did say facts. But, the first feeling I felt when I first met Senpai is.. A tingly sensation. It was so pure, so honest.. so, sweet. And ofcourse.. I won't let that feeling disappear, right? And If it did.. let's just see what would happen." Ayano changed her expression with a cold look on her eyes.

Then, the bell rings loudly. The students ran so fast and bumped to eachother. Ayato and Ayano was already infront of their classroom, They walked infront of the door, and they both entered and sat down on their seats. Ayato and Ayano's classroom was close together, so they could easily go to one another.

The class began as the empty seats were slowly occupied by the late students, and other empty seats were emptied by those who were absent.

Author's note.

This is my first story, so there
Might be mistakes, and I hope
I can make that as an excuse
For not really knowing how
To write that well.

If there are any mistakes, please
Contact me through my messages.
Or ask any questions you want,
I could do some Q&A for
Once and a while, :)).

Any-who. Thank you for
Reading this first part of the story,
I'll try to make more for all of you💕


~ Vixella Xyne.
Ps, I love you, take care.
Xoxo 💋.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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