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I pointed the gun to the mans temple, a small smile forming on my face, "Good try" I complimented, tilting my head as I noticed he started to shake. I pressed the gun closer to his head, "You're scared?"

He nodded, "Fae, please" He begged.

I shook my head, "Awe, sweetie" I took a step closer to him, the sound of my Louboutin stilettos hitting the tile echoing through the empty bar, "Fae's dead" His eyes went wide, and when he tried looking over at me, I cocked the gun. "Say hi to her for me" I ordered, before firing into the mans head.

He dropped to the ground, his body limp when I kicked it. I hummed, as if it were a shame.

I stepped over the corpse as I made my way towards the exit, opening my handbag. I slid the small revolver inside, closing it before reaching the door. I glanced to the side, seeing my reflection in the mirror.

I narrowed my eyes as they caught a glimpse of my red lipstick, wiping it a bit. I examined myself, and once I was satisfied, I shut the lights of the bar off and opened the door, leaving the mess I had created.

The breeze made goosebumps form all over my body as I strutted onto the overcrowded sidewalks of Boston.

I raised my arm out and pointed up at the sky, causing an ugly colored taxi to pull up next to me almost immediately. Once I entered, I sat and pulled down my tight black dress a bit, "I need a ride to the Fairmont Copley, please" I instructed politely, and the man in the driver's seat smiled with a nod, making his way towards the destination.

"Copley? What's a little lady who's staying at the Copley doing in Southie?" He asked, his Bostonian accent thick. I shook my head,

"Sir, you don't want to know" He dropped it after that.

I watched out the window at all the cars honking and driving past us, unaware that just eight hours away, things were brewing. Things that were going to get me in a lot of trouble.


The phone continued to ring, but Aaron ignored it. It had been three months since he had seen me, he used to get excited whenever the phone rang, hope.

All hope faded when he found out my phone number had been changed. So he sat in our home, the home that now housed two instead of three, "Dad?" He put the glass of Chivas Regal, looking up to see Jack standing there in his pajamas. His arms were crossed, "Your phone is still ringing. It woke me up"

He sighed, shaking his head. He picked the phone up, "I'm sorry, bud. I didn't mean to"

"Do you miss her too?" He askeOnce he examined the screen, he realized he had five missed calls from Penelope. Without thinking, he looked at the time, seeing it was three in the morning.

He jumped up,

maybe that bit of hope wasn't gone after all.

"Jack, buddy, is Jessica still here?" Before Jack could answer, he heard the response he was looking for, but not from his son.

"I'm still here" He looked up, seeing Jessica standing at top of the stairs. "You have a case?" He nodded, "Don't worry, I can put him back to bed" He sent a warm smile her way,

"Thank you, Jess" His eyes wandered down to look at Jack, and he knelt down, opening his arms out to signal he wanted a hug. Jack hurried towards him, jumping him and wrapping his arms around his dad.

"Go catch the bad guys" Once Aaron let go of his son, he nodded.

"You know I will"

He wasted no time, he grabbed his keys and wallet from the front bowl, opening the door and quickly shutting it behind him. He dialed Garcia, pressing it to his ear, "Sir?"

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