Wedding Planning

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((A/N: Hello my lovelies! I am back! The next few chapters are just going to be sappy romance and boring planning. Maybe some gossipers here and there lol. I've had a lot of time to think this chapter over, and I'm going to add in some images with options in the top banner, so feel free to look em over! Anyways! To the story!))

His face had lit up so brightly, like a million moons in the night sky. He stood and pulled me into a long but soft kiss. Our fingers intertwined and smiles on our faces

The evening after the proposal had been entirely planned out by him specially for us. It was romantic but not too over the top, where most Princes would turn around and shower their bride-to-be in every lavish thing on the planet. Lotor settled for simplicity and small gestures of affection. And that made me happier than anything. It had started with him sweeping me away from my duties for a simple stroll and a picnic in the gardens, and ended with a magical dance under the starlit sky. 

There was no fancy dinner, no over the top dresses, no excessive amounts of people.. Just us and the stars. And that was all I could ever have dreamed up. The next day however.. was where things were going to start getting complicated. He had walked me to my chambers and bid me goodnight with a kiss to the hand. A shining smile on his face as he went off to his own room.

After our evening, I took my time getting ready for bed. Deciding to think over what the evening held and thinking of how the wedding would go. It most certainly wouldn't be small.. That was a fact that could not be changed. The whole Kingdom would be there, and the whole planet would see it. It would signify a new reign's beginning and the end of my mother's. I planned to make this era a practical, easygoing, war-free era.. however. There still posed the threat of Emperor Zarkon's war coming to my homeland.

I would need to plan on the tyrant being there and attempting to start some kind of conflict. Many of the leaders of the Kingdoms of my planet would be there, and it would be a perfect time for an attack if everyone was there. Nobody would have time to prepare. Nobody would be able to defend or attempt to defend. Especially if the Emperor called in fleets off-world to attempt to get past our two defense planets. I found that the time had passed so quickly that I'd been thinking and staring into the mirror the entire night. 

It was now early morning.. 

A perfect time to start writing invitations...

Not to the wedding, but to a Meeting of the Council...

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