Thunderstorm (fluff/angst)

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A/n: this oneshot is completely based on my headcannon that Vanitas is scared of thunderstorms because it might remind him of his past or he's just always been scared of thunderstorms, anyways enjoy!

Noe pov

I was reading a book as I heard the rain pour down on the window and hear the thunder strike every now and then from the storm, I was trying to pass the time until Vanitas got back, he said he had to do something and he'd be back soon which was shortly before the storm started

I was starting to get worried because he hadn't made it back yet and the storm was getting worse, I hope he's alright, I tried continue reading to get my mind off of it but my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door open

I looked over and saw Vanitas drenched from the rain and shaking from how cold it was, as soon as I saw him, I stood up and quickly went to him to see if he was alright

"Vanitas! Are you ok?!" I asked worried, I knew it sounded like a dumb question based on how bad he was shaking but I still wanted to make sure he was ok

He shook his head as he was shivering still but less now that he was inside, I looked at him with concerned eyes and analyzed him to try and see what was wrong

"N-noe.." he said, his voice shaking as he said it, he seemed more scared than cold now but I wasn't sure why he seemed scared, and I needed an answer to that

"What's wrong? Are you feeling ok? Please tell me vanitas, I want to be able to help you" he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, then thunder struck and he screamed slightly at it, as in he was scared, then it hit me

"Vanitas, are you scared of thunderstorms?" He nodded while he was shaking and crying from how scared he was, I needed to find a way to calm him down before it got worse

I walked closer to him and gently held his hand the best I could to somewhat soothe him and calm him down but I wasn't sure if it was helping him based on how much he was crying, I looked at him again, it hurt me to see him in a state like this, he hardly ever showed emotion, especially sadness or crying so I wasn't sure what to do in this situation, then I thought of something

I gently let go of his hand and stood up straight looking at him, he looked at me with a confused face, then I opened my arms out for him and smiled softly, I think he knew what I was trying to do but wasn't sure whether to accept what I was doing, then thunder struck again and before I knew it, he was in my arms, I accidentally fell from the force that caused me to fall when he jumped and hugged me from the thunder, but it didn't matter that we were on the floor, as long as I could help him

I sat up and held him close to me and try to help him make it through this storm the best I could, he was still shaking from fear and more tears fell down his face, I held him closer to try and help calm him down and help ease the sound of the storm away from him, I held him closer to my chest and caressing his head gently to help ease him from the pain the storm brought him, so for now I held him as tight as I could

Two hours later

After two hours the storm had passed and it was only raining now, I kept gently stroking vanitas' head as we still sit on the floor, he stopped crying and shaking now which was good but I still hugged him just in case he started crying again

"Are you ok now Vanitas?" I asked softly, since he was close to him

"Yea..I feel better now, thanks a lot noe, it really helped me a lot to get through this storm, thank you" he said softly as he moved his head onto my shoulder and relaxed more

"You're welcome, I couldn't just let you go through that alone, it hurts me to see you in pain"

"I didn't know you felt that way for someone like me"

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