no ones fault...huh..

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Once Ayato got back to the Kamisato estate he saw Thoma making dinner, "hello, Thoma" said Ayato, "ah! my lord, welcome back, where have you been?" he asked " there a reason on why you'd like to know?" Ayato replied, " lord" Thoma stuttered while rubbing his temples then looking back at what he was cooking, "nothing to worry about, anyways what happened with you and Ayaka?" Ayato asked "well...we just went on a date in Ritou, thats all, miss Yoimiya got mad tho because it seems like princess forgot their promise last week" the housekeeper replied, Ayato looked down at the ground and walked over to the table then sat down "is that so? unlikely of Ayaka to forget, she treats Yoimiya as a very good friend, she even told me she sees her as a sister!" said Ayato.

a few minutes later Ayaka walked over to the kitchen "hello Thoma, hello brother" she greeted "hi! m'lady" Thoma replied, Ayato just nodded, Ayaka walked over to the table and sat beside her brother "is something bothering you?" she asked, Ayato looked at his sister with a sad look on his face, "ah, its nothing" then he 'smiled', Ayaka was worried for her brother but she brushed it off, he was always like this, no matter how hard she tries Ayato just doesn't tell her his problems, it bothers Ayaka sometimes but there really is nothing she could do, "food is ready!" shouted Thoma as he walked over to the table and placed the food "mm this looks delicious" said Ayato "indeed!" Ayaka agreed, Thoma smiled and thanked them, "your not gonna eat with us?" Ayaka asked "uhm..i'll eat after you" he replied, Ayaka nodded and continued to stuff herself with food, Ayato finished first "thank you for the food" he said "i'll be leaving now, i have work to do" then he stood up and walked away, Thoma and Ayaka looked at each other, it seems that they both feel like something was bothering the young master.

after eating Thoma told Ayaka that he was gonna meet Ayato, once he got in-front of his office he knocked, there was no answer so he walked over to the young master's room "my lord?" he asked while knocking "Thoma? come in" replied Ayato, Thoma opened the door to see Ayato sitting on his bed in his pjs "im sorry for bothering you but..can we talk? my lord?" asked the housekeeper "why of course, come sit here beside me" replied Ayato, Thoma made his way to the bed and sat beside Ayato "so what did you wanna talk about?" asked the young master "well seems that something is bothering you my lord, would it be ok if you told me what happened? i know its none of my business but i am worried" he stated, Ayato thought for a moment then sighed "fine, i'll tell you, but promise me you wont hate or get mad at me, Thoma" the housekeeper nodded and waited for what Ayato will say "the truth is, i like you, Thoma, i always had, and not in just a friend way...if you know what i mean, and when i found out you and my sister were official it broke my heart, but i don't blame you nor my sister, its not your fault you love her instead of me, i know i should be happy tho i have a feeling of jealousy inside of me, so i talked to Yae and i finally realized she was right, were just not meant to be" this wasn't what Thoma was expecting, he was shocked, 'the young master likes me? im the reason for this?' he thought, Thoma started feeling very guilty, the pain of seeing the person you love be with your sibling, he couldn't imagine it! he felt really bad for Ayato, "im so sorry, my lord..." Ayato looked at Thoma with confusion "sorry for what?" he asked " the reason for why your acting like this" Ayato sighed and chuckled "don't blame yourself, its okay" he replied, "thank you for telling me my lord...i'll be going now, you need to rest" he said while standing up, Ayato smiled at Thoma until he shut the door, then his smile slowly faded while tears ran down his face, "haaa..i have to work again tomorrow huh...this is tiring" said Ayato to himself as he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

With Yoimiya
Lumine was walking with Paimon and Klee when she stopped by Yoimiya's place, "Yoimiya, is that you? what happened why are you sitting there on the ground?" she asked "mmm its nothing" replied Yoimiya, Lumine was worried and sat beside Yoimiya, Klee also sat down beside the two girls, "did you..get rejected?" Lumine asked hoping she doesn't make things worse "the thing is..Ayaka forgot our promise to meet up and then i saw her with Thoma...on a date" Lumine felt bad for her friend " that so?, hm how about this, why dont we go to Monstadt together tomorrow! we can go on an adventure!" said Lumine trying to cheer up her friend, Yoimiya's face lit up a little and she looked at Lumine "yeah Yoimiya onee-chan! we can go fish blasting!" said Klee and she stood up and started jumping happily, Yoimiya finally smiled then chuckled "haha okay!" Lumine liked the smile on Yoimiya's face and she smiled too, "would you like to stay here at my place?" Yoimiya asked "of course! could Klee stay too?" she asked, Yoimiya nodded "totally!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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