potus 1d

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the potus was going on tour i
I said

Then my mom said "honey do you want to go to the putus "
This, of course, caused me great sadness. I was reminded of the previous night — long hours spent in front of the mirror, crying because I was so ugly and plain and boring. I had long, beach waves of soft blond hair. It was always perfect when I woke up; it cascaded around my shoulders, and perfectly framed my high-cheekboned face. I wore a white tank top with denim shorts over my perfect form to complement my perfectly smooth and tan skin. I had ocean-blue orbs that changed colour in the sunlight and to match my mood. At this moment, they were deep, sad, tragic blue to reflect how ugly I felt and how unworthy I thought I was of the President of the United States.

"emily maddison rebecca smith, Pls come down because we are very poor you need to eat "
"ok mom" i cried, i was veyry ugly. I didnt want to go to the potur tour.
I went downstriars to eat my pankak.
My brthoer Cockled. "Hey Emily do u remember when you were 5 and our father died and our mom is an alcoholic" he

I was very sad i just wanted to read a book. I was very ugly.
my momther looked at me. "Were selling you to 1potusdirection she Said.

TO BE CONTINUED...............

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