Bartholomew Bonds

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Full name: Bartholomew Bonds/Pendragon

Nicknames: Bart

Place of birth: Berwickshire Scotland

Physical age: 21

Weight: 141 lb

Height: 5 foot 7

Body shape: lightly muscled with long thin fingers

Eye color:

greenish blue

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

greenish blue

Skin tone: weakly tanned

Distinctive marks: a bite mark on the left side of his neck, faintly freckled

Hair color type and style:

Hair color type and style:

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

bright red, baby fine with a just rolled out of bed look

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

bright red, baby fine with a just rolled out of bed look

Clothing and jewelry: a White button-down shirt with a faded green bow tie and black dress slacks

Family: Anastasia Beverly (great great niece)

Personality kind, gentle, considerate, extremely friendly, basically a gentle soul, very forgiving, protective of those he loves

Best friends: Winter Snow, and Steven Bachelor

Mate and sire: Beatrice Pendragon

Occupation: a college music professor working at the same school that Anastasia goes to

Powers: siren song

Backstory: Bartholomew was born during the hungry forties with his older brother of 10 years (that he had forgotten the name of.) At a very young age Bart was inspired by the music his mother played upon many instruments while teaching others children to play as it was hard times and they needed the money to survive. By the age of three Bart would peer around the corner of the wall when his mother was teaching especially when it was the piano as it was his favorite. At the age of five Bart finally got the courage to try and play his mother's piano (as his father was out in the crop fields and his mother was hanging the laundry in the backyard,) as he got so engrossed in playing that he lost track of time, as he played the last notes clapping was heard. He whipped his head around to see his mother there smiling and applauding, a rush of heat spread across his face in embarrassment as a sigh relief that it was only his mother and not his father as his father was a bit of a hard ass. As his mother praised him, neither noticed his father come in, until the man's gruff and booming voice rang out not just announcing his presence but his approval as well. Now at the age of 14 (a child prodigy) Bart played in many operas while his mother sang, many wished for him to take the hand of one of their daughters knowing that they would be well off and they'd get lots of money for it but not knowing that his eyes were set upon another. As Bart was observing the apple of his eye a man around her age approached her, they talked as if they had known one another a long time as they left she dropped something out from the sleeve of her coat as Bart rounded the corner, they had both disappeared. As he looked around for her, he wiped the dirt off her little blade, carefully pocketing it and he walked home in disappointment he did not see her atop the hill smiling down upon him knowing her favorite possession was safe in the hands of the boy she adores. As a few years have gone by, now a man Bart had become a professional pianist well known through his town in the surrounding neighborhoods. One night as he was walking home he was so caught up in his own thoughts of where he had received the dagger that laid wrapped in his finest silk handkerchief in the top drawer of his nightstand that he did not notice the two beautiful women rounding the corner as he bumped into the darker skinned one as she was surprisingly taller than him he landed face first into her boobs as he was falling down he looked up to the deep forest green eyes examining this woman from the scars going horizontally across her left eye to the small beauty mark on her cheek. As Bart can feel the heat of embarrassment rush to his face not from just falling in front of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen but especially since the shorter one was starting to laugh at him or at least he thought she was until the darker woman told her very aggressively to shut up that it wasn't funny he was quite surprised to hear a lady say such vulgar language as she told off this other girl with the exact words of "fuck you and the horse you rode in on" he was immediately in armored by this woman as she was different not just in her looks but in the way she held herself with a confidence he only had while on stage. As he watched this woman no this goddess punch the smaller female he could not help the dopey look that appeared on his face as the woman turned back to him, his Goddess held her hand out to him as they both froze as her face turned red because he said his thoughts out loud "God marry me." As they were frozen staring at one another the other woman that he later learned was the named Seraphina left giggling to herself as she joined a man further down the street leaving them to their own awkwardness. As the woman was left standing before him she offered again her hand and pulled him off the ground with such tremendous strength that his feet had come clean off the ground before she steadied him as he lightly bounced causing slight pain in his feet as they landed back on the ground after he was stabilized she told him "how about dinner first then maybe in a couple years we can think of marriage if you still want that"after an entire lovestruck dating. Now at the age of 20 he decided to ask her to marry him as he knew Beatrice was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. A year after they got married Bart came down with scarlet fever as he laid dying in their shared bed, he watched as the love of his life sat beside him (for the very first time since he had met her) to see her crying causing him to cry as well. Beatrice decided that she couldn't live without her mate and took it upon herself to save him as Bart fell asleep that night Beatrice took things into her own hands as Bart turned his head in his sleep exposing his neck Beatrice quickly struck sinking her teeth into his neck and turning him as they now get to live happily forever with their niece that they raised

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