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Dean lounged on his bed and flipped through the cheap paperback in his hand, groaning in displeasure, "This is freakin' insane. How's this guy know all this stuff?"

Sam was in just as much disbelief as his brother, "You got me."

"Everything is in here; I mean everything. From the racist truck to me having sex. I'm full frontal in here, dude." Dean continued to complain as Sam raised an eyebrow in interest for the book Dean now held in his hands; thinking that perhaps he should re-read that particular section... entirely in the spirit of research he told himself. After gaining no response from Sam, who was trying to fight off images of a naked Dean from his mind, Dean rolled off the bed and took a seat next to Sam at the table. "I mean how come we've never heard of them before?"

Sam shrugged, "They're pretty obscure. I mean, almost zero circulation, eh, started in '05 put out a couple dozen books before going bankrupt and the last one, No Rest for the Wicked, ends with you going to hell."

Dean's eye twitched momentarily at the thought of hell and commented as he pulled the computer over to himself, "Why reiterate? Freakin' insane." Dean took a moment to scroll through the comments on the page, "Hey check it out, there's actually fans. There's not that many of 'em, but still. Did you read this?"


"Although for fans, they sure do complain a lot. Listen to this. TheSympadigo says that the demon story line is trite, cliché, and over all crap-tastic. Yeah well, screw you Sympadigo, we lived it." Dean spat at the computer, reading more.

"Yeah, well keep on reading." Sam said nonchalantly with a chuckle. "It gets better."

"There are Sam girls and Dean girls and...what's a slash fan?" Dean read the screen in utter confusion.

"As in..." Sam contemplated the best way to phrase this, "Sam slash Dean... together."

It took a moment for Dean to fully understand what Sam was saying before his eyes went wide in shock, "like...together together?"

"Yeah." Sam couldn't really say much more.

Looking back at the computer in horror Dean asked, "They do know we're brothers, right?"

"Doesn't seem to matter." Sam explained, feeling just as awkward as Dean.

"Ah, come on...that... that's just sick." Dean said before shutting the computer and trying to wrap his head around it all and not be at least a little interested in actually investigating this awful development... in the spirit of tracking every writer down and shooting them, he told himself.

It wasn't the first time people had thought of Sam and Dean as "together". In fact it seemed wherever they went, someone was always making a comment or looking at them suggestively. And although it should have gotten under his skin more, Dean couldn't recall ever actually being full out offended by it. And Sam had never really mentioned it either. In fact on a couple of occasions, Dean recalled one or the other had played along. But he had never really thought about it. Until, of course, he realized there were people out there in the world who did think about it. And that, quite frankly, freaked him out a little. And what freaked him out more was the fact that the more he thought about other people thinking about it, the more he thought about what they were thinking about. Which in turn, a few weeks later after all the apocalypse was over and the Wincester brother were back together, led to Dean laying on the hotel bed, staring at himself in the mirror on the ceiling one night while Sam was out at the library and thinking about the subject at hand.

"Leave it to Sam to get us booked in a room with a mirror on the ceiling and only one bed. No wonder people think we're queer. He's practically a walking chick flick." DEan paused and let out a deep breath, "Ok, so people like to think about me and Sam... together. OK. Fine. I mean, why wouldn't they right, we are two attractive men? I mean, at least I am. So why wouldn't they think about me in sexual situations. I was naked in that book. Where is that book?" Dean asked himself as he sat up onto his elbows to look around, "That's right, Sam took it somewhere. Ok, so it's cool if people think about me because I'm...well I'm hot." Dean said with a smirk as he looked at himself splayed across the bedspread. "And I'll admit Sam isn't all that bad and girls are into sensitive guys. And he's tall and has big hands and you know what they say about guys with big hands..." Dean let his words trail off as he tried to deny the pictures of Sam from entering his brain. "But together?"

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