Chapter 40 - Paradise City 🌺

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(A/N) so sorry I've been gone like forever, I've just had absolutely no motivation to write anything but here's this. It's not much but hopefully you like it😭


You woke up to the sound of the phone ringing as you felt Duff get up out of bed to go answer it. He was usually the one to answer phone calls, especially this early; Slash and Steven just sleep through the ringing while Izzy and Axl don't give a shit.

"Um..." you heard Duff say from the hallway as he talked to whoever was on the phone. "It's a little short notice don't you think?" he asked. "Alright. I'll do my best... thanks... bye." he said before hanging up.

Shortly after, he walked back into the room and saw that you'd woken up. "Good morning." he said with a smile as he put on a pair of jeans before his favorite pair of cowboy boots.
"Morning." you replied, smiling back at him. "What are you getting all dressed up for?" you asked as he continued getting dressed, putting on a black tank top.
"We're going to Hawaii." he answered nonchalantly with a small grin.
"What?" you said with a bit of a laugh, not sure if he was joking or not.
"Seriously." he reassured. "Management booked us a show tomorrow. We gotta catch a flight in a couple hours, so either start packing your things or come help me wake everyone up." he told you before walking out of the bedroom and going to wake the others.

You followed behind him after a couple stretches and knocked on Izzy's door before opening it slightly. "Izzyy.." you called peacefully to wake him. You saw him move around a little and roll over, still laying down. "Wake up, Iz. You gotta pack your bags, we're going to Hawaii." At that, he just sat up, hair a mess and still half asleep, and just looked at you, confused. "Huh?" he asked.
"You heard me. Get ready." you replied with a smile before closing the door and going to wake Steven up as you saw Duff had already got everyone else awake.

You did the same, knocking on Steven's door and opening it a bit as you called his name, but he wouldn't wake up. So you walked in and went over to him before placing your hand on his forehead and giving him a few small pats. "Steviee, wake uppp." you spoke in a sweet and quiet tone. You took your hand away as you saw him open his eyes and just look up at you. "Good morning." he said with a cute little smile. "Morning." you replied as he sat up; you couldn't help but smile back at him.

"You'll never guess where we're going." you told him. "Disney World?" he asked excitedly. "Ehh not exactly."
"The Grand Canyon?"
"Um- no."
"Paris is in France."
"Oh... Well, I give up."
"We're going to Hawaii, Steven."
"Yes, Hawaii. We're leaving today so you need to get up and start packing." you explained.
"YES!" he exclaimed, hopping out of bed and grabbing his suitcase.

"Later, Stevie." you said with a small laugh as you walked out of his room. "Later!" you heard him shout in response.

As you were walking back to your room, you passed by Izzy in the hallway. "Hey, can Chloe come with us?" he asked. "Uh.. DUFF, CAN CHLOE COME WITH US?" you shouted as Duff was in the bathroom. "I DON'T SEE WHY NOT." a muffled yell responded. Izzy just smiled and walked to the phone and you went back into your room.

You sat on the plane beside Duff. Slash and Steven sat in the row behind you. Heidi sat in the seats that were facing you and Duff with Viper. Meanwhile, Izzy and Chloe sat on the other side of the plane, with Axl just sitting by himself behind them because apparently he wanted his alone time that day.

"This is nice... I didn't know you guys had a private plane." Chloe said, looking around.
"Oh, we don't own it, management just rents one out for tours sometimes." Duff explained.
"Well still, it's pretty cool." she replied.
"Yeah, it is nice." Izzy chimed in.
"I think we should get our own." Steven suggested.
"No." Axl responded.
"Wait, that might actually be a good idea." Slash said.

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