Chapter 1

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"Hawkkit! Hawkkit! Me and Sprucekit are playing moss-ball outside the nursery! Wanna join?" Hawkkit awoke to his foster sister nudging his belly. darkness clouded his vision as usual. He didn't mind being blind, but some apprentices made fun of him for it. Though they were usually shooed away by senior warriors. "Shredkit! Let your brother sleep.". His foster mother, flowershine, prodded Shredkit aside. Hawkkit was grateful for Flowershine. He hadn't known his real mother much, and everytime he asked Flowershine why she abandoned him, she'd say it was because it was for the best of him. Hawkkit didn't care anymore, though. His foster mother and siblings were all he needed.

"Flowershine, can i go play moss-ball with Shredkit and Sprucekit?" Hawkkit finally asked when he was ready to get up. "Of course, my darling. Just be careful. And don't bother the warriors!" Hawkkit barely heard the last part as he padded out of the nursery to join his siblings. He liked his siblings. They were funny, and they didn't care if he was blind, they treated him as if he were actually their biological sibling. They didn't mind if he wasn't related by blood. Even though he couldn't see what they looked like. Flowershine would always tell him what they looked like. Flowershine said that Shredkit had pale grey fur with black paws. Sprucekit had the same pale grey fur as his sister, but instead of black paws, he had black spots on his back and tail.

"Hawkkit! did you see that huge jump I just did?" Sprucekit boasted. Hawkkit let out a mrroww  of amusement. They'd often forgotten that he couldn't see. "Don't be a mouse-brain! He can't see!" Shredkit reminded Sprucekit. Hawkkit purred. "I may not be able to see, but I can still fight like a warrior!" he pounced on Sprucekit, letting out a squeal of excitement as sprucekit began to scuffle with him. "Hey there, kits. What are you up to?" An amused voice called from behind him. It was dullgaze, the medicine cat. "Just playing." Sprucekit exclaimed. "Aren't you a bit too old to be playing games? You three are bound to become apprentices any day." He felt dullgaze's gaze burn his pelt. Most of the clan expected him to be a medicine cat, since he was blind. But he wanted to prove to the clan that a blind cat can be a good warrior just as any other cat could. "We're just living our last moments as kits!" Shredkit mewed. Dullgaze sighed. "I suppose that makes sense, being an apprentice is hard work." suddenly, a gentle mew came from the nursery. "Kits! Time to take a nap.". The three kits padded to the nursery and nuzzled in their mother's fur.

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