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i didn't know what to name this chapter okay.?

You begged and pleaded for Michael to take you back.
He just wouldn't budge. You wanted him back so badly You would do anything to reverse what you have done. You felt like your life was failing Michael just
shut down.

Soon you guys were just friends after that. and he doesn't give you cute nicknames or breakfast in bed anymore it's either "Y/N" or "Roommate"

You deeply regretted the choice you made and wanted to make it up to him but how?
you see micheal heading out somewhere out your window

and...WITH A GIRL? this girl was clinging on to his hand like her life depended on it she had long blonde locks and a uniform on.
and she just UGH. you stare at her. she wants him. but not in the way i want him.
i'm so much better. I could love him better This little girl doesn't know anything .

I need to get her away from him. because he is mine. i'll do anything of the sort threaten her. hurt her. or even.

kill her.

you decide to take a run to clear your mind however that isn't the case. Because you just supposedly ran into michael and his side chick.
"Oh! hi micheal em.. Who's the new girl?" you ask "Oh Emily? yeah she's a close friend" He says slightly blushing "Hi! My names Emily Marthoon Just call me Emily" she's says in a high pitched voice

What a annoying girl.

"My names Y/N L/N." you say softly you turn to look in michaels direction but he's too busy playing with Emily's Gold glossy hair "Okay..Mikey! Let's get going isnt she your. mean ex who cheated on you?" she whispered the last part "I can hear you . watch your mouth before i rip off your gold shiny hair"
you say.

"Woah Woah! ladies calm down Y/N Were gonna get going see you at home!" he yelled dashing off with emily

You felt like you were going mad.

Suddenly killing her for michael sounded like a bad idea. since Michael didn't even Want you
you felt like crying but you didn't. your heart ached as you walked back home

You plopped yourself on your bed you wanted the world to open up and swallow you whole.

2 hours pass. and your drifting off to sleep when you hear the door open and immediately hear laughing and chatting away . Of course it was michael and his pretty girlfriend.

you hear talking and then you start to become more careless and just sleep at that point.

6:34 AM
You wake up in cold sweat You didn't care This time you were the one shutting down and not talking to anyone of the sort
You brushed your teeth and took a shower by then it was already 7
You went downstairs to see Michael and Emily cuddling on the couch asleep lips inches away from eachother

You could let her have him You took one glance and just left the house .

you needed fresh air. and a therapist.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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