Chapter 2 | Starting With Acquaintances

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Chapter 2 | Starting With Acquaintances

Not even an hour after Kei's arrival, news of the Third's new apprentice spread like wildfire within the jounin ranks. Which she shouldn't have been surprised at. Kei and Hiruzen did discuss about it rather freely amongst paranoid and nosy jounins, who most likely had been eavesdropping their conversation since they walked through the entrance.

A slight oversight on my part. The girl thought wrily as she found herself under the curious gazes of several tokubetsu jounins, who're crowding her doorway.

"So this is the infamous student, hm?"

Kei stood still as the sole female of the group got close and personal with the mask's muzzle. They had a bit of a stare-off as the woman took quite a long amount of time squinting into the one-way mirrors acting as the rabbit's eyes. Most likely, trying to see the pair of eyes behind it.

"Don't scare our little bodyguard, Anko." An exasperated voice chastised. The sound of metal clicking against teeth caught her attention and Kei looked up to a couple of familiar faces.

"Namiashi-san, Shiranui-san." She greeted the two. "Good afternoon."

Kei first met both males a few years ago during one of Kazuki-sama's visits to the Hokage's office. She was silently waiting outside while Genma and Raidou stood guard by the door. They didn't really talk much at the beginning, but when they started to see each other more and more often, Genma took the first step to strike up a conversation. It took a few more meetings before Raidou broke and joined in.

"It's good to see you again, Kei-kun." Raidou sent her a friendly smile, to which she smiled back. "I've been wondering when you'll pop up again this year."

Genma smirked and gave a lazy wave back. "Yo, Kei. Hime-chan in there?" He asked with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.

Used to the his behaviour, Kei didn't react to the insinuation. "I'm afraid not, Shiranui-san. She's ditched me to have fun around the nations." Kei said with a small quirk of her lips.

"Wait, you guys already met?" The woman called Anko exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at the two men. One merely shrugged while the other smirked wider.

"Of course we have." Genma said smugly, slipping pass the purple-haired woman to wind an arm around Kei's shoulder. "Kei here is apart of our club. Isn't that right, Raidou?"

The scarred man in question pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a heavy sigh. "For the last time Genma, 'elite bodyguards club' is not a thing. And even if it is, I definitely didn't sign up for that!"

"Tsk. Spoilsport!" Genma booed loudly, gaining an eyeroll from his friend.

"OH!" The last jounin of their group suddenly cut in, "Is he that Ojou-sama's youthful guardian the two of you spoke about?!" A green-spandex cladded man asked in a rather loud volume.

Anko took a step forward, her hands up in a universal stop sign. "Woah, woah, woah! Hold up a minute. Which Ojou-sama are y'all talking about? And how does Gai know about her?"

Raidou raised a judgemental eyebrow at the woman. "This is why I told you not to spend so much time in the T&I Department." He chided, "You're always behind on things and it's bad for your health-"

As though she's been through the routine numerous of times already, Anko smartly turned to Genma for answers as they both turned a deaf ear towards Raidou's rants. "So? Who's the Ojou?'' Anko prompted the senbon-sucking man.

Genma waved his arms in a flourishing manner, "Why, who else other than Hi No Kuni's own princess, of course!" He grinned, relishing the surprised blink he received from Anko. The man patted the shoulder he was still holding, "Kid got lucky to be in close quarters with such an elegant beauty. Who knows, maybe he'll get... lu-cky~" He teased, turning to her.

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