Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning right on time because the doctors were about to take Grayson into theatre. I quickly got my phone out and rang Ethan. I rang Ethan and told him that Grayson was having his operation now. I was standing behind the glass watching Grayson get an Iv drip put into his arm when Ethan came running as fast as he could with Sophie. We were all standing there just watching Grayson get operated on. I few tears were running down my face and I looked over at Ethan and he was crying alot. Sophie noticed and gave him a big long hug and then a kiss. A few minutes later I heard beeping sounds through the glass window. I looked and I saw Grayson have a seizure. I opened up the door and tried running over to Grayson but the doctors where stopping me. I pushed them out of my way and got over to him. I was yelling Don't die please don't die Grayson. Sophie and Ethan came over to me and I was hugging them tightly and crying into there arms. I stopped hugging them because of a sound of a long flat line. I knew what happened and I turned around and cried even more because Grayson was dead! I woke up gasping for air and Grayson woke up with a shock. he asked me what was wrong and I told him that I had the dream of us again in the car crash when we were younger and you had to get your operation but this time you died. Grayson gave me a hug and said "I'm fine now, you can relax and you don't want to hurt yourself because your 8 months pregnant". I gave him another hug and kissed him goodnight and Grayson kissed my stomach and said "good night" to our baby.

You & I : Grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now