Kevin × Lila

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Requested by: LilaFromSpookyMonth

The days seemed to get shorter and shorter as winter got closer. Kevin already had to bust out his sweaters. The work days seemed longer than before, as he was waiting for Sunday. A day or two ago, the same two kids came in like usual, except this time there was a lady with them. She had long lilac hair and was very tall. She was taking them around as they were picking out the candy they wanted. Kevin watched as she walked up to the register with her kids. "Hi! We're ready to check out." She said oh so sweetly to him. Kevin fumbled with his words, trying to process her kindness. "Oh! O-Of course ma'am!" He rung up the items and as he was about to scan the last candy bar she made some small talk. "So, my son tells me that you're pretty nice." He shrugged. "I'm trying my best!" He chuckled. She put her elbow on the counter and held her head in her hand. "You know, you're pretty cute~ Wanna go out sometime?" She cooed. Kevin froze as he was putting everything in the bag for the kids. "I uhm- I don't even know your name!" He turned bright red. "Well, I'm Lila, and you're Kevin. I could tell from the way my kids talk about the candy club." She took the bag and winked at him as she waved. "I'll pick you up Sunday!" He hesitantly nodded and waved goodbye. Lila left with Skid and Pump, the children waving through the window.

262 words! I hope you liked it! I can and will do a a part 2 if there is demand!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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