Chapter 1.

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This chapter may be a little boring. I'm just gradually setting up the story.



Walking down the still bustling streets of New York City, I hummed the chorus of "White Noise" by The Living End quietly to myself. I was making my way home after a frustrating afternoon's work at the Cafe.

We always seem to get very interesting people showing up at my friend's small cafe downtown, that I currently worked at. Today I'd had to deal with a seemingly 80 year old woman dressed in leopard skin and shiny gold by hand feeding her tiny and unnecessarily vicious cat. The cat shouldn't have been allowed to come out into the public eye it was so horrible, but the woman decided that she just had to bring it to 'afternoon tea' with her.

The thought just makes me shudder. I really don't like cats..... Or leopard skin for that matter.

I rounded the corner of my street and quickly reached my house. The house was probably designed and built in the mid 20th century, judging by its architectural design from the outside. It was painted a horrible faded lime green colour that Dad has consistently refused to repaint, claiming the design travesty 'adds character'. I pretend to complain, but truly I agree. Our little house definitely has character.

Walking up the front steps, I stopped and took off my shoes before opening the door and stepping inside.

"I'm home!" I call through the house, placing my shoes on the shoe rack and walking deeper into the house. I entered the lounge room, and spotted Dad on the couch reading a newspaper.

Despite it being late spring, he was wearing a dark grey knitted jumper and blue scarf, a blanket covering his legs.

"Cold again, Dad?" I asked teasingly, chuckling. He looks up from his newspaper and smiled.

"Yes, it is a little chilly," he admits thoughtfully. I take off my jacket I was wearing and hung it over the back of a chair, and then go to check the heating.

"That's probably because the air conditioner is on! Turn it off, Dad!" I exclaim in disbelief. No wonder it was so icy in here.

"Oh no no it's fine, Alexis! I'm doing an experiment," Dad explains cheerfully. I groan, and dump myself down on the couch opposite him.

"Another experiment, Dad? What's this one about?" I ask him.

"Oh don't sound so bored Alexis! I'm trying to discover which flowers last longer in cold weather." Dad points at the kitchen table on the far side of the room, on which sat three vases, each of them a different type of flower was sticking out of; Roses, tulips and very dead looking orchids. Oh the joys of having a florist as a father.

"The, uh, orchids look kinda dead....." I pointed out uncertainly. At this comment, my Dad jumped up excitedly.

"Do they? Oh good, finally!" He cried, running over to them and writing something down in what I like to call his 'flower journal'.

"Okay, well, I'll leave you to it, yeah?"

"Mhm." Was the simple reply I got from the other room. I rolled my eyes, chuckling to myself a little, and made my way upstairs to my room. I entered the electric blue room and sighed to myself, flopping down on the bed and looking up at my roof.

My phone vibrated and, thinking it was a message, I groaned in frustration. Upon glancing at the screen, this frustrations was quickly replaced with happiness.

'TheFoooMusic just posted photo'

I go to the source of the notification quickly, anticipating a good picture. I wasn't disappointed, seeing the snapshot of the four seemingly perfect teenage boys.

The Fooo Conspiracy were a band that I have loved, and will continue to love, for years. They consisted of four Swedish boys (one of whom was originally from Venezuela).

My Dad thought I was obsessed..... In truth, I wasn't. I was simple a 'reasonably dedicated' fan, as I liked to put it. Makes me sound a little less fangirl crazy, doesn't it! Not that I was in the first place, of course.......

The boys had just returned to Sweden (I think) after their first world tour. I was so proud of htem! Admittedly, a little heartbroken that they were so popular now but nonetheless very happy for them!

I scrolled further down my instagram feed and noticed that one of the fan accounts I followed had posted a picture of Felix (Of the Sandman variety of course) and Ali Simpson from the Fooo's Rollercoaster video. I sighed, she was absolutely stunning.... and I looked absolutely nothing like her! What, with my dusty brown hair and eyes that's colouring reminded me a great deal of moss, as opposed to her pale blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Also, her face was quite rounded in shape compared to my reasonably thin structured face....

I chuckled and shook my head to rid these thoughts of my mind. Why was I thinking them, anyway? It means absolutely nothing!

"Alexis, are you coming down for dinner?" My Dad's voice rang out upstairs to where I lay in my bed.

"Yeah I'll be right down!" I yelled back, sliding off my bed and making my way downstairs.

My Dad sat at our small dining table, waiting patiently for me to join him, which I did quite happily as we were having Bacon burgers tonight; and bacon was hands down one of my favourite foods!


Before I closed my curtains that night,I stared out the window at the still busy city surrounding me. My eyes then drifted up, to rest on the few stars that I could see as I thought once more of boys from The Fooo.

"One day," I promised myself, as I did every night, "one day I'll meet you. Just once. Until then... goodnight."

I'm uber lame for doing that, yes I am aware. But it's become a bit of a ritual to say something similar to that before I go to bed, as I've always believed in odd notions such as 'wishing upon a star'.

You never know, one day my wish may just come true.

With this thought in mind, I rolled over in my bed and drifted off into a peacefully dreamless sleep.



I'm sorry about the kind of boring chapter. As I said at the beginning, I'm just setting things up and more excitement will, if things go as planned, be coming in chapter three-ish. Also this was a short chapter, I promise they'll be longer. I just wasn't entirely sure what else to add so I decided to leave it there.

Give your thoughts on here, or share them with me via twitter with the hashtag #ShootingStarFanfiction or contact me on @imagineTFC., as I would love to know what you think.

Until chapter two..... farewell! xxx

- Kai

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