5- H2o Just add water

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Belles POV:

I'm currently sitting at the beach in a chair next to max,being calm and staying true to our bet.
This all started a week ago after the whole surf contest fiasco.


We were all walking back to the castle after a long day at the beach

"You really gotta stop trying to kill people princess"max said to me chuckling

"I barely try to kill people"I say in reply

"Really,you have tried to kill at least three different people.And you've only been here for three weeks."he said proving me wrong

"Well let's see how about we place a bet.If I try to kill anyone in the next month I'll do anything you want for an entire day"I proposed

"And if you win this bet I'll do anything you want for an entire day"he replied

I stuck out my hand for us to shake on it

"May the best woman win Makoola"I mumbled before walking ahead of him determined to win this bet

Present time

Now we're sitting here watching my brothers play football on the beach.

"Hike!" Brady shouts tossing boomer the football before going 'long'.

"King Boomer drops back, looks at King Brady down the field."boomer announces

"Oh! Hot sand, hot sand!"Brady shouts from his end of the beach

"King Boomer fires off a coco-spiral."boomer once again announces

"Princess Belle rolls her eyes in annoyance"I mumble fixing my sunglasses on my face

"I'm sorry is that sarcasm I hear in your voice,oh this is gonna be great,once you start with the comments you start lunging at people!" max said chuckling with a smirk on his face

I chose to ignore him knowing he's only trying to push my buttons

Boomer throws the ball but Brady's lack of athleticism caused him to not catch it

"Oh! Looks like another walk o' shame for the lesser twin."boomer says

"Hey, who are you calling the "lesser twin?"Brady questions

"You're both the lesser siblings!" I shout causing them to stop arguing until Brady complains about hot sand once again

"Oh! Hot sand, hot sand!"he began to shout

"See what I mean"I mumble before going back to relaxing

Hearing giggles of girls I look up to see both of the idiots gone.looking over to the other one I ask "Where did they go?" he responded with a shrug of his shoulders fixing his sun glasses

"You know what,knowing them they're probably getting into trouble and that makes me mad so I'm gonna stay right here"I said before once again laying down peacefully


Me and Max walk back to the castle to find my brothers hopping into the king cruiser, just as Makayla walks out.

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