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I knew that me being with Opie and Happy that I'll have to deal with pornstars, croweaters, hang around, and other women wanting to try and ease up on them and that I as their ol' lady will have to put everyone in their place.

 I use to never fight a day in my life but when I was a victim of multiple domestic violence cases. not only from "loved ones" or "friends" but also "boyfriends" I had learned to fight in order to defend myself and survive.

I used to flinch and draw back from people when they'd go to touch me or draw their hand back. but now if someone does it. then I'm gonna thrown down and not back down. I won't cower anymore

tonight is a club dinner that I knew everyone that always hangs out there apart from those who matter to the sons like family and loved ones. was gonna be there so that means pornstars, hangouts, and crow eaters will be there and I know that shit will be going down tonight.

So I dressed in something simple that way I'd not flash anyone my goods when I'm beating a hooker. 

Once I got ready to go I headed out, locked up my house, & headed to the clubhouse.

I didn't have to worry about them trying to work on my car since the garage was already closed. so I parked my car by a couple of suvs before grabbing some of the pastries I wanted to bring I headed inside once my car was locked.

"Hi baby" Opie greeted

"Hi, darling" I replied back as I tilted my head so I could get a kiss.

He smiled and kissed me before taking the boxes from my hands and carrying them towards the table with the other desserts.

I smirked when I saw Happy talking with a tall blonde who I think they said his name was Herman but he goes by Kozik.

When Happy saw me he made his way over and greeted me with a kiss before he lead me over to where he was which is where Opie walked off to after dropping the pastry boxes off.

"Koz this is mine and Opie's ol 'lady Alessia" Happy introduced us.

"Hello Koz" I greeted

"Hello Alessia" he greeted back and shook my hand

Opie walked over and stood by me as we all started talking about different things.

"So you're the infamous baker I've heard so much about?" Koz asked

"good things I hope" I replied while smiling

"we've told him about your tasty pastries," Opie says

"nothing bad at all" Happy assured me

"I'm only teasing love" I tell him

"How did you lasso these two up?" Koz asked

"well this cowgirl won their hearts over with dessert" I joked since he said lasso.

"that's it?" Koz asked,

"wait till you try some and you'll see." Opie says

"if it makes you fall in love then I need a whole batch," Koz says

"just don't try to get with her. she's spoken for" Happy says

"Nah, man. I wouldn't steal your twos girl. I see how happy you three are. I'm not gonna be dumb or ignorant to try anything to ruin that" Koz says

"cause you don't want to be a smiley face in my collection"Happy says

"hell no I don't" Koz says

I chuckled while shaking my head.

after talking a bit more Gemma called for everyone to come and eat 

We all made out plates and sat down. I went to sit between Opie and Happy when some bimbo squeezed herself in that spot. so I walked on and sat near the end of the table.

When Opie and Happy seen where I was they got up and moved. which that bimbo didn't like.

"wh did you two move from me, I was gonna have some fun with you both" he complained

"we don't want to sit anywhere near you. when we have our ol' lady" Opie says

she scuffed and rolled her eyes.

"thats your ol' lady. ew, she's plain and ugly" bimbo says

"rather be plain and ugly as you claim than be fucking plastic and gapping" I replied

her jaw dropped while everyone else laughed.

"I'm not fake," she says

" no, you just look like the drugged up hooker version of a barbie doll" I commented

"How dare you" she said standing up.

I stood up and looked at her waiting to see what she was gonna do.

"I'm gonna make you regret that" she says

"what by breathing on me with your sewer breath?" I asked

she covered her mouth and curried away.

I shook my head and went to sit back down but one of Bimbo's bosom buddies decided to run her trap.

"That wasn't nice. you need to be punished" she says

"what are you a toddler in kindergarten?" I asked

"no I'm a grown woman unlike you," she says

"right. ok" I say

"you need to apologize right now" she says

"Or what?" I asked

"I'll make you" she says

"good luck" I replied

She approached me and did nothing. I stood there waiting and she went to scratch me but I grabbed her fingers and broke them before I took her own hand and smack the shit out of her with it.

"you couldn't kill a fly much less fight," I say before a prospect came and took her out.

I shook my head at the ignorance of those two.

"they are seriously stupid" I commented

"and you seriously bitch slapped her with her own fucking hand. that's funny" Tig says

everyone laughed in agreement.

I simply shrugged before going back to eating my food.

Bikers' Sweetheart (not edited but done)Where stories live. Discover now