Chapter one

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Jessica's pov

I was sitting on the plane in the middle of my twin and my oldest brother our guardian. Cole and Joshua. I had my headphones in listening to the fray. I was drifting off to sleep not knowing how long I've actually been on the plain going to our new home. All our stuff is being shipped to our house. I can tell my brothers are worried about me since the whole problem happened I haven't really been my full self.

"Go to sleep Jess you can lean on me if you like. " Joshua my twin said.

(Cole's pov)

Me and all my brothers are on the plane with are only sister Jessica. I've been worried about her I am her legal guardian since are parents are no longer in the picture. That is why me and my older brothers decided it was a good idea to move from our home in Florida to California. It's been hard since we did lose our mom and dad so soon and they left us with the younger ones. Jessica has been the one to take care of Elijah , Parker, and Jaden my youngest brother of 8 months.

I can see it in Joshua's eyes that he is worried for Jessica, her and our dad were really close. Dad was Jessica's best friend and losing him hit Jess pretty hard. Yeah we now have the role of our father to protect and love Jess but it will never be the same losing Both parents.

I looked around and saw each and everyone of my brothers fall asleep. Then my eyes landed on Jess and she looked as if she was having a nightmare, they used to never happen to her but when she lost mom and dad all the sudden these nightmare came where she would wake up screaming and crying or sometimes she would just go and cuddle with one of the guys. But the best person at calming her down after a nightmare is Joshua. No wonder I mean they are twins.

How do my parents expect me to take care of my family?  I thought to myself sighing pulling my phone out which causes another sigh to leave my mouth as I stare at my lock screen. It was the picture I cherished since the moment I took it. It was Lana my ex girlfriend. We both decided it was the best thing to do since we would be miles apart. We knew that if we were meant to be we would find our way back to each other. Being high school sweethearts only seemed to make it worse, because everyone expected us to end up being together and end up getting married. So when people heard the news of our split it only made the emotions we were feeling more strong since everyone thought their thoughts  needed to be voiced to us. It was already such a hard time for us. She has been my rock when my parents had died. She helped me step up to the plate of being the legal guardian of my siblings. Not only did she help me but she helped my family feel whole again. She made things feel okay when everything felt like it was falling apart. So you could imagine my siblings reaction when they found out me and Lana had broken up. I haven't had the heart to change my screen saver because then everything would feel so real. My parents will really be dead, I would really be the person in charge of of thirteen kids. Things have really changed but I don't know if I am ready to except that fact. I try my very best to hide my emotions and thoughts and I believe I am doing good on that but the one person I know that I can't fool is Jess. She sees through all of us. Through my brothers and I. Turning my head to look at her, I smile. She's fallen asleep on Josh's shoulder holding onto his arm like her life depends on it. I know that their bond is special. She won't ever have a bond like she does with Josh with any of her other brothers or me. I know we all feel a little bit of envy because of that, but we understand why. Their twins and their bond is unbreakable. 

     Josh catches me starring and smiles at me. Pulling his head phones out of his ears he goes to say something but closed his mouth. Almost as if his body and mind were fighting about whatever he wants to say. I frown looking at my other brothers that were engulfed in their phones or a book. But when it comes to Isaac and Caleb the main thing they do on their free time is sleep and thats what they were doing, snoring away like loud ass cows. Chuckling I look back over to Josh and find him starring sadly at Jess. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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