Falling into Halloween Town Chapter 1

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*in Sonic the Hedgehog Universe at Shadow and Willow's mansion that both share for 10 years in the training room Willow the Wolf's p.o.v*

Shadow the Hedgehog - are you ready to train and then spar Willow?

Willow the Wolf - I am born ready Shadow bring it on.

Shadow the Hedgehog - that's the spirit Willow.

Willow the Wolf - really Shadow you just had to say that because that is a pun.

Shadow the Hedgehog - sorry I had to Willow lets train and spar.

Willow the Wolf - lets train and spar Shadow your so going down.

Shadow the Hedgehog - oh really did you forget I can chaos control?

Willow the Wolf - did you forget I have great enhanced senses and can locate anything without looking and talking to whatever or whoever I am locating.

Shadow the Hedgehog - oh I did forget you have those powers but not only is this training and sparring its also to help you fully control your powers.

Willow the Wolf - I knew you forgot about me having enhanced senses and be able to locate anything and anybody without looking and talking to them.

*after a while you and Shadow finish training and sparring then you both go and shower after the shower you both go to your bedrooms to get dressed except Shadow because he is a male he just puts on his gloves, black socks, rocket shoes and inhibitor wrist and ankle rings while you wear emo undergarments, emo clothes, put your socks on, then gloves, then spiked shoes and ring finger special rings with spiked choker and bracelets after getting dressed again then decided to go for a walk with Earland the Earth Chao, Icefall the Ice Chao and Fireball the Fire Chao while on the walk with your three special elemental chaos you five arrive in the middle of weird trees in the forest which are in a shape of a circle you and Shadow see one with a pumpkin shape design you then look closely and notice the pumpkin triangle nose is popping out meaning it is a door knob so you look at Shadow that is also looking at you so you walk over to the door knob and twist it open when you, Shadow, Earland, Icefall and Fireball walk forward a few steps and lean in only to look at blackness when a powerful wind pushes you five so you five will fall in then you see the door slam close then you land first on the ground hard knocking you out cold then you felt Shadow land on your back, then Earland, then Icefall and finally Fireball who lands on Shadow not knowing you five are being watched the creature or person who saw the whole thing rushes over with their pet close by when the person and their pet stop in front of you, Shadow, Earland, Icefall and Fireball Shadow looks up only to see a tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie then they look beside the person only to see a floating white-sheet dog with a glowing red nose the person says*

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - oh my are you guys alright and is your friend alright?

Shadow the Hedgehog - who are you and what are you?

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - I am the king of this town and I am a skeleton.

Shadow the Hedgehog - oh alright also this isn't her first uh time getting knocked out so she'll be fine she is used to pain.

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - anyway how did you five get here?

Shadow the Hedgehog - we finished training and sparring at our shared house then we took showers in our own bedrooms then got dressed and we decided to take a walk in the forest with my best friends chaos' we then stopped in the middle of a circle of trees with different designs on them we saw one with a pumpkin turns out it was a door to here when a strong wind pushed us making us fall into here now my best friend has been knocked out because she hit her head really hard on the ground once she landed on the ground then I landed on her then her three special elemental chaos landed on me softly which I don't mind.

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - that is very unfortunate anyway do you five have a place to stay for the time being until you five can leave my town.

Shadow the Hedgehog - no we don't why?

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - well I wanted to ask if you wanted to stay with me in my house until you five can leave my town.

Shadow the Hedgehog - well as long as you help my best friend all she needs is an icepack on her head and rest.

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - I am happy to help injured creatures can I carry her?

Shadow the Hedgehog - I trust you sir so you can carry her.

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - well thank you for trusting me *picks up the wolf girl bridal style* follow me.

Shadow the Hedgehog - alright come on you three chaos.

*the unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie carries you and leads your best friend and your three special elemental chaos to his house after arriving there he opens the door to his house letting his pet float/fly in the house and then the tall person lets your three special elemental chaos' and best friend in then he walks in his house then walks upstairs and gently places you in his bed then puts the blankets over you except you head and arms and hands which are laying on both sides of your body then he walks to his kitchen and pulls out an ice bag then walks back upstairs to his bedroom, goes in his own bedroom and places the ice bag on your head and leaves to let you rest*

*the unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie carries you and leads your best friend and your three special elemental chaos to his house after arriving there he opens the door to his house letting his pet float/...

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Shadow the Hedgehog - how is my best friend?

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - she'll be fine I also have my pet guard her and protect her while she is resting.

Shadow the Hedgehog - that is a relief thank you sir.

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - your welcome sir.

Shadow the Hedgehog - can I see her when she wakes up?

Unfamiliar tall person wearing a black and white striped tux and a weird tie - of course also her little flying friends can too.

Shadow the Hedgehog - alright sir.

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Jack Skellington meets Willow, her chaos and ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now